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Betrayal Frenzy Have you ever been betrayed?

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Betrayal, it's a sickening thing. If it happened to you, you feel utterly helpless and stupid. "Why did I trust him/her?" and "I thought he/she was my friend" are common questions. How were you betrayed?My first account of having a betrayal was way back in first grade. I had a best friend, and we always went around together, played games with each other, and shared adventures with each other. Typical for first graders. On Christmas, for exchange gifts, she got me clown makeup... (WTH!?) and I gave her a picture frame. It was fine so far...Until we reached second grade...We were in different sections and of course, that means we can't see each other until classes are over. I kept visiting her for a few weeks, until one day, when I was waiting for her, she came over and told me: "I have a new best friend now."That was a big blow to me. She could've at least made me meet her friend, and we could become a trio, but what do you expect from second graders? I hated that so much...Another betrayal story of mine, was when I was in 6th grade. I met this old friend who was a new student in the 3rd grade, and I was once assigned to be a tour guide around the school. I said hello to her, and said, "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" she was confused, and didn't seem to remember me at all. I shrug that off. When break came, I reminded her about who I was, she felt a bit aloof, since she wasn't comfortable with me. It was probably because of the 3 year interval. After a few months, we managed to be friends, but there was this other friend whom she hangs out with. That other friend was extremely jealous when my old friend became close with me, so she tries to get my old friend's attention.OK, that was sick... :lol: But anyway, it so happened that a 3rd-party joined in the fight and ganged up on me. They told me to leave my old friend alone, and I was being too possessive... (What!?) My old friend sided with them... great... actually, she was pushed around. My friend is the type of person who goes with the majority. I was alone.It was terrible, I hated going to school, nasty rumors were spread about me, I can practically hear them talking about me!We eventually got back to normal, but the scars still live on. She's no good friend.Got any betrayal stories to share or rant about?

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I'm not so sure this is vent-ish, but thats ok..I just broke up with my boyfriend (of one year and almost a month) because he met this other girl, admitted that he liked her as more than a friend and that he loved her as a "very close friend". That in itself I could handle. But he spends more time with her than with me, and she appears to make him happier than I have in almost a year. She asked him to go to their semi-formal with her (even though they go to the same school - I don't) and he asked me first.. but he wanted to go. Anyways, after two weeks of being torn in half, I broke up with him, and he couldn't even understand why..Betrayal is my biggest fear, and paranoia is my biggest talent. At the same time, I'm not particularly jealous, so it would've taken a lot for me to break up with someone because of another girl that was "just a friend". I have a couple of other stories something like this, but they can wait..

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How I feel about betrayal is... Complicated. For some odd reason I like to make myself believe that the world is a perfect place and that my friends would never hurt me intentionally... And this keeps me happy. Well, I'm happy most of the time at least. But because I never expect to be 'betrayed', and also because my pride is easily hurt, I don't take criticism well. Direct criticism is alright, well I don't like but I don't usually let the other person know I'm unhappy and deal with it on my own afterwards... (woah, that sounds sinister) But anyway, what I can't stand is when I'm criticised indirectly. For example, if I'm with a friend and third party, and the friend says something negative about me (that she hasn't told me about before) to the third party. I know it shouldn't, but it kind of makes me feel betrayed. This happened once when my friends starting telling a third party about how it was unfair that I never study but still get good grades. It's nothing serious, and they said it jokingly, but still. It's a lie. I *do* study, it's just that I also happen to listen in class so I get stuff more easily when it comes to revising. What hurt me the most, I guess, is that I just wasn't expecting it. I was living in this perfect world. *sigh*

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When I was a freshman in high school, one of my best friends (friend A) was dating the boy that I liked (for some insane reason, I had told her that their relationship didn't bother me). After they broke up for, like, the seventh time, I made out with said boy and then he asked me out. I, of course, said yes, thinking nothing of the fact that I was now at fault because of the unspoken rule not to date your friend's ex-boyfriends (but I "liked him first" blah blah blah). Anyway, I told another mutual friend (friend E) because friend A and friend C (who also liked the boy) weren't talking to me. That afternoon I learned, though the boy, that friend B had told friends A and C about our relationship. Needless to say, everyone abandoned me from then on and I had to get all new friends. I mean, I'm a better person now that I would have ever been had nothing ever happened, but it still really hurt when friend E told my secret. It was like, "What did I ever do to you?"


I've had trust issues ever since, and as recently as yesterday, I found out that one of my new friends told what I had said to her in private to the friend I was talking about. It's like no one has any respect for me or for what I say, and then everyone has the nerve to pin the fault on me.


Boy, am I looking forward to college.

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When i was still in highschool, I met this guy and became good friend almost instantly. I trusted him with almost annything.But one day, during break in school, he left his wallet and didn't have money to buy food, so he came to me. But unfortunately I was broke too. So he decided to steal some food. But unfortunately he got caught and was brought to the principle's office. I thought of going to back him up but instead the bast*rd framed me. Instead of admiting he was the one who stole, he told the principle that i was the one that did it.For the following few weeks, I had to face people who believed his stories. Luckily, another one of my friend saw what really happened and told the whole school about it. Now, even after 3 years, everyone around him still hates him.Revenge can sometimes be so SWEET! B)

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