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Need Approval About My Website's Content not sure if my idea is allowed or not

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Well, let me start off by saying i am planning on making a website related to xbox360 modifications, helping people with information on chips, modz, programmes anything and everything related to modifications(is this allowed?)Also, within my website i want to advertise myself for mod chip installaations(is this allowed?)In a round about way thats what i want the content to be...I would like to know if this is allowed or not so that when i do build the site, i dont get banned.Thanks

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thats a tough one to call, because some mods are legal and some are not, I think as long as your not providing downloads to burn games/movies then its fine, i know i read several gaming magainzes about mods to ps2 and the xbox, its regional thing, like playing japanese games on a american ps2 something like that. i would say show what you have your site and will let you know what to get rid of.

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I'm afraid no. Since providing a service to bypass what is protected by patent, copyright and laws your site will be considered as a crack site. And Xisto does not host for crack sites.Any information--instructions, pictures, downloads and URL links--that complements in modifying a patented and copyrighted material/machine are therefore, also cannot be hosting using Xisto's service/hosting.

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well I gave it some thought and put it like this since their are conflicting opinions on or how legal are mod chips, and that Xisto servers last i know are in the US. it would be considered illegal since you are hacking basically a small version of a computer, in the sense that your altering hardware/soft that is not your own then it is illegal according to the laws of US government and most computer laws as well since the xbox/ps2 have online capabilities.so to play it safe and not cause any problems current or future for Xisto.com I wouldn't do it.

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St. Michael is correct. I received an official word that your subject can be very close to breaking TOS. Please stay within TOS with your site content. It is alright to have your website as you planned but if found any illegal materials are on board/produced your site will be terminated immediately.You are good to go, Mezzano. Thank you for clarifying your intension. We'll be seeing you soon.

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St. Michael is correct. I received an official word that your subject can be very close to breaking TOS. Please stay within TOS with your site content. It is alright to have your website as you planned but if found any illegal materials are on board/produced your site will be terminated immediately.


You are good to go, Mezzano. Thank you for clarifying your intension. We'll be seeing you soon.


ok so, i think i kind of understand. As long as i do not provide instructions, links to manufactor'ers etc or provide any information on how to's... i will not be getting into any trouble?


So for example, lets say if i just make the site, which will be used to promote my installation services (of the mods) and to basically give out my contact info and features etc, is this considered legal? Like it wont get Xisto in trouble will it?


I live in canada so i am unformiliar to U.S laws... heh can you guys clarify on this?

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So for example, lets say if i just make the site, which will be used to promote my installation services (of the mods) and to basically give out my contact info and features etc, is this considered legal? Like it wont get Xisto in trouble will it?


Correct. As long as you do not HOST (store in your hosting space, provide links, etc) any law breaking materials you are allowed to have your webpage however you see it fit. Reviewing the TOS can reveal that you may host any website style/content as long as it does not break the TOS and your idea of "virtual business card" is not breaking TOS. :P

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that would be borderline for the TOS again since your offering services to do it and making it public.put it like this you can't offer any links, tutorials, downloads purchasing or selling of products or offering services to do it for people. At least when affiliting with this site.

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You have to be very careful regarding what you store on the servers if you are going to be operating a site which some may view as 'questionable'. I'm not on expert on console modifications or the legalities surrounding them or anything, but remember to be very careful what you upload, and only do so if you are absolutely certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is legal. I would recommend taking a look at some of the existing, larger Xbox modification related sites which have been around for a while - those which are operating legally and haven't been forced to close down (that's not saying that all those which are still around are legal) may be a guide to go by.

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