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Need Time Management So much to do in so less time.

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I need help from my buddies in Xisto.My Task List.1. BSc Information Technology.2. BSc Computer Science.3. Keep myself updated of the new technologies.4. Keep my work upto the mark in Office (Datawarehousing).5. Earn more money from Freelancing.6. Maintain relations with the Family people and Friends.I approached a few of my Management friends.Instead helping they confused me.I want you all to priortize my task list.BSc IT .its another 8 months for completion.BSc Computer Science - 3 years.Updation is compulsory to be in the industry.Office is important because its the only source of imcome for me.Freelancing is optional but it will help me improve / extend my profile.Family is people, as you know, you cannot live alone.My Priority list for this month.BScIT.Office.Freelancing.BSc Computer ScienceFamily(No updation is this month, I wanted to learn struts in this month but i guess it can wait)I desperately need some time management lessons and also some inspiration.

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weird list. How about i rephrase it. You have work,school, family-friends and personal stuff(reading).Well, school and work are #1. personal stuff always ends up last. Family and friends shouldn't really be on the list. You go out with friends, eat with family(cheaper that way). round

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I want you all to priortize my task list.

I desperately need some time management lessons and also some inspiration.


If I were you my priority ranking would like like this:

1. BS IT - 8 month's more isn't it? Give it all you have.


2a. Office - If you're supporting you're education through working in the office then I guess this would be next. This also includes keeping yourself updated.

2b. BS Computer Science - I assume you're still starting in this degree so the lessons won't be that hard yet. Besides, you can use some of your stock knowledge from BSIT.


Don't get me wrong though, you need to have the same level of concentration for those two.


3. Family - look at spending time with your family as your rest period


4. Freelancing - You have a job right? You can leave this thing for a while and get back after you finish BSIT or both your courses.


I don't know about you but this is what I am going to do.


The way I see your case, you're going to have to push yourself really hard, as in no time should go to waste! The key, as is always and what a lot of people will probably tell you is efficient time management.


Studying everyday is a must. But you don't have to study one subject in one sitting.

For instance if you have to read 4 chapters for an IT exam two weeks from now. Divide the chapters into days. Spend 3 days each reading one chapter. Then the last two days should be spent to review the whole thing. Remember the 3Rs - Read, Recite, Review.


But don't just study when you have an exam. Study even after the lecture and on the days leading towards the exam. Look at your notes or you book at least ten to two minutes everyday and go over the main concepts. This might sound boring and repetitive but you'll get to grasp what you're studying and know them by heart after a while. So when the exam comes you don't have to exert too much effort.


Do the "Dividing a task into different time schedules" for all your other tasks (in the office, in BS IT) as well even for your rest time with your family.


Always carry a:

1. A calendar for the month detailing all the things you need to do (the tasks) for each day of the month. That you way you know when to relax a little bit or you can accomodate unforseen events such as your friend had a birthday or something.


2. A "TO DO" list everyday even the ones not related to your work or studies like buying grocery or fetching your brother from school. That way you know how to divide the tasks alloted for each day.


Always Remember

1. Don't do two things at the same time. Don't study while spending time with your family. Put yourself whole-heartedly in the "feeling" of the moment and relish it (or dread) it while it lasts.


I desperately need[...]some inspiration.


It seems you want to have a double degree, do work at the same time and some othe rthings.

Then PAY THE PRICE! Yes even intangible things have (figurative) price tags with them. If you want to have them then better work hard to earn them. I know this might be a cliche to you but it always works and without it you don't stand a chance.

Always aim for the sun dude and if you don't make it at least you'll find yourself on the moon. You get what I am saying?


I don't know if this will help much but I hope it does.

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