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City Of Villains

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My Brothers bought city of villains and will be paying for it each month, so I think I'm gunna give it ago myself, once the game will let you (not allowed to play witll the 31st)Anyone else going to be playing this? I am gunna make an ice chap.

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so can you show us some screenshots?

and maybe a review?


Well, Its not out yet, so I can't write one up, I can however post one from gamerankings.com :-)


Ever wondered what it would be like to be the bad guy in a game for once? To hatch evil schemes and to generally run amuck? Well- now you can! The City of Villains beta servers have switched to full-time availability, which can only mean one thing its finally here. Now that the NDA has been lifted I can tell you why this expanshalone () should be on your "must play" list.


The costume creation revamp introduced in issue 4 of City of Heroes is partly present here, as you can fine tune body shape and so on with sliders, allowing for a truly unique character. The costume options are different enough from COH that your toon will look nothing like it did in that game. Spikes, digitigrade legs, skulls, barbed wire and all sorts of almost-fetish gear abound. The character archetypes are all-new, but at the same time familiar - a brute is kind of like a tank, but with the attack power as primary and the defence as secondary, for example. Most of the archetypes are similar to the ones found in COH but with powersets reversed, which should make for some interesting PvP


One totally new archetype that is worth mentioning is the Master Mind. Cross a blaster with a pets-based controller and you are half way there - sitting your toon on a ledge whilst controlling a marauding band of robot henchmen is oddly satisfying. The level of control in City of Villains is far grater than that of the controller in Heroes - you can set stance (aggressive, defensive, passive) and also position your troops - up close will force them to melee, further away and they'll used ranged attacks.


Gameplay is pretty much the same as it always was, with contacts and missions but, once you progress onto Port Oakes, your contact list will have a newspaper in it, which you can read to get missions and messages from your broker. Missions range from the usual - go kill all the whatevers in the building, to bank heists (superb!) and other criminal activities. The graphics and visual effects have taken another boost from CoH issue 5, but this may only be noticable on high end graphic cards. Rest assured - everything looks fabulous. The zones themselves are richly detailed with back alleys, shanty towns, seedy docks and the like. The first time I went to Port Oakes my jaw dropped - its so much more complex than, say, Independence Port.


All of this comes at a cost, so you may need slightly higher system specs than you did for CoH, but not horribly so.


Its worth mentioning the enhancement diversification, because is a HUGE subject for discussion on the CoH and CoV forums. Basically, Cryptic are making it so that sticking more than 3 of any type of enhancement is less worthwhile. You start to get less benefit for the 4th, 5th and 6th enhancements of the same type. This is partly to address a problem with a player basically HAVING to take the powerset that speeds up their endurance recharge rate (stamina) to be effective. A lot of people are very upset and shouting "DOOM! DOOM!" about this change, but I actually think it will make things more interesting.


All in all, Im very impressed so far City of Villains is fun, theres consentual PvP and theres base construction, but the best bit is that if you already have City of Heroes, the monthly fee will also cover you for City of Villains.


City of Villains Screenshots





gameplay image

gameplay image2



You can also watch some videos of the game HERE



Hope this is ok :P

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