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Dentists Foreign ones..

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So today I went to the dentist. First off, the girl who was doing the cleaning part stabbed my gums more than she didn't, which resulted in a rather painful thirty minutes. Then came the checkup part.. Now, apparently my normal dentist doesn't work Friday afternoons (lucky him). So I had some foreign guy that I've never seen before. He picks around my mouth for a couple of minutes, and tells me I have two really small cavities in the back of my mouth. Keep in mind here that in 17 years I've never had a cavity and now some random guy poking around my mouth is telling me I have two. Not one, but two.


My brother had an appointment at the same time as me. He came out "cavity free", so to speak. But what gets to me more than anything is how he barely ever brushes his teeth and I do all the time. And all he got was a foreign guy telling him to brush his teeth.


Now I know I should be a nice sister and all and say "good job" or some other thing to him, but its not.. he doesn't bother to take care of his teeth. Just once I'd like for people like that, who don't do a thing and come out fine, to get what's coming to them. Just once. Its terrible, but if he came out of his checkup in six months with 10 cavities I'd probably smile and tell him he got what he deserved.. because he would have. (Please refrain from telling me that this is an awful thing to say, because I know that..)


As if having some random person poking around your mouth for an hour wasn't bad enough, I come out of there in the end with bitter irony slapping me in the face..

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i have a toothache right now, this morning i woke up with my mouth scrambling and my teeth painful, so i went to bathroom and brushed my teeths and, what's up?, that teeth begins to hesitate me more than i espect, i hate to take medicine, i never use it, but it was hurting me so much and then went to see what was in the aidkit, and? there wasn't anything, and so i take the desition to go out the streets to find my medicine and then continue with my dreams.the street was so cool, and i walked and walked arround without results, now i'm going to dentist waiting to calm my pain

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well, i have been like 2 times to the dentist and i have to admit that i dont have a very brushing-teeth routine ( i brush them once a day... 2 if i remember i know eww <,< ) but i dont have such problems like my best friend who brushes hers almost religiously, and she has a lot of cavities (are those another name for caries?) maybe her problem is that she loves candys and i dont usually eat them (maybe 3 a week) so i think that here interferes each's person food history, maybe you eat a lot more sweets than your brother ?

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Uhh...ok. One of the weirdest vents, but yeah...remember, smile.gif the dentist can see everything.

Yeah, well, I made use of the forum.. I needed to type it somewhere :\

Danieluchis, I don't really eat that much candy.. I don't have time for it. I barely have time to eat in general these days, its usually on the run when I do. But its no worse than anything he eats..

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I don't mind if I got anything wrong with my teeth, I go to a dentist every few months only because I got ready for braces, broke half my tooth the day before I got my braces then got filled, got 8 teeth removed, *note this is all in three months* then took my wisdom teeth out a few months later, cleaned them x 6 times, braces tooken out then got bleached... I can go on (this went on for 3 years).I think I'm addicted to the dentist, I just like to have perfect teeth. I mean it is a bt strange to have some stranger poke around in your mouth with his/her fingers, I'm sure you wouldn't even let your girl friend/boy friend do that. As for cavities... I've had about 4 filled, so I'm all good... no use being mad at the dentist about it, not his fault.

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*scratches head vigourously* Well, I am feeling slightly guilty now, because very often I end up brushing just once a day, and frankly, it's made no difference to the state of affairs inside my mouth (they are, if anything, normal or better than normal). There was a time when (I imagine) I was very sincere with my brushing, but that was when I found a cavity that had apparently "gone too far", so I had to get a root canal treatment done (and it hurt like crazy... the only good thing was I could have ice creams all night after the treatment, to numb the pain, and I normally stay away from ice creams because eating cold -> getting a cold). Then I had to go through braces because the front teeth jutted out rather badly, for which I had to get four teeth removed *arrghhh*. You can say I don't fancy the dentists very much now. One good way of staying out of trouble is to stay out of the regular check-ups. I simply don't get 'em done ^_^

I don't mean to send the wrong signals here: for anyone who's feeling wrongly inspired from my little experience, please go for your check ups like you always do, and brush your teeth twice a day :lol: Just that I agree with xaetos, life at the dentist's can a quite ironical somethimes...

Try Odgen Nash's take on dentists:

One thing I like less than most things is sitting in a dentist chair withmy mouth wide open.

And that I will never have to do it again is a hope that I am against
hope hopen.

Because some tortures are physical and some are mental,
But the one that is both is dental.
It is hard to be self-possessed
With your jaw digging into your chest.

So hard to retain your calm
When your fingernails are making serious alterations in your life line
or love line or some other important line in your palm;

So hard to give your usual effect of cheery benignity
When you know your position is one of the two or three in life
most lacking in dignity.

And your mouth is like a section of road that is being worked on.
And it is all cluttered up with stone crushers and concrete mixers and
drills and steam rollers and there isn't a nerve in your head that
you aren't being irked on.

Oh, some people are unfortunate enough to be strung up by thumbs.
And others have things done to their gums,
And your teeth are supposed to be being polished,
But you have reason to believe they are being demolished.
And the circumstance that adds most to your terror
Is that it's all done with a mirror,
Because the dentist may be a bear, or as the Romans used to say, only
they were referring to a feminine bear when they said it, an ursa,
But all the same how can you be sure when he takes his crowbar in one
hand and mirror in the other he won't get mixed up, the way you
do when you try to tie a bow tie with the aid of a mirror, and forget
that left is right and vice versa?

And then at last he says That will be all; but it isn't because he then
coats your mouth from cellar to roof
With something that I suspect is generally used to put a shine on a
horse's hoof.

And you totter to your feet and think. Well it's all over now and after
all it was only this once.
And he says come back in three monce.

And this, O Fate, is I think the most vicious circle that thou ever sentest,
That Man has to go continually to the dentist to keep his teeth in good
condition when the chief reason he wants his teeth in good condition
is so that he won't have to go to the dentist.

I found that amusing... and I could identify with it one hundered per cent :P

Cheers, and hope the venting helped you overcome your dental sorrows ^_^

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Yea, go figure with the dentists. I really don't like them. Granted, they keep my teeth in good condition, so that's a plus, but other than that, it's akward, and usually painful.I don't think I've had a hygenist that didn't pick apart my gums... It baffles me. I can brush and floss everyday.... and they get to my mouth and can make it hurt something fierce.Plus, the last time I went in there, I told them that I thought I had a cavity on my back tooth. They told me it was fine, and I asked them, are you sure, because it hurt! All the time. It still hurts now. Like a year or more later. Perhaps I should have gone for a second opinion.All I got out of them was a "maybe it's gotta crack in it!" So I was like, "Maybe you should take an x-ray and find out".Whatever.... I'll just suffer. Seems like that what the dentists all want us to do. Those vindictive little buggers.Sorry. I had to rant too lol....

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I went to the dentist last May to have one of my teeth yanked out becuase it wasn't aligned somehow with the rest. ^_^ Anyways, I went there and I was a bit scared since I haven't had a tooth removed in years. It was a tooth extraction and the tooth that was removed was dug really deep and the dentist, I noticed, was trying desperately to yank it out in a unscrewing-a-screw fashion. I thought for a while she doesn't know what she was doing because she really was sweating and panting but after a few more tweaking the tooth was extracted successfully. whew! That was by far the scariest dentist appointment I've had :lol:

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yeah i hate dentist too but the thing i hate hte most is the drill and when they screw up god is painful and annoying as well. ^_^ i feel you xaetos.

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I know exactly what you are talking about. I go in there and my mouth hurts for a long time when they are trying to clean the plaque off my teeth but are actually tearing up my gums. Then after I get my teach cleaned more good news. The doctor comes in and tells me I have to get fillings. So I go in to the dentist office about three weeks later and I have to get a tooth drilled out and it hurts so much even though the numbed my mouth. I am glad that I only have to go to the dentist about once every six months.

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I think the worst part about this is that I'm going to be paying some random guy I've barely met several hundred dollars to drill around my mouth and cause me an awful lot of pain. And the fact that the irony of this whole thing is still eating away at me.. Though, I guess at least I'm not the only one in a somewhat similar situation? I don't think I like dentists very much o.O Funny, it never seemed to be that way before..

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Hey don't feel bad. We've all been through this before. I hate going to the dentist. I despise it. One time the assistant forgot to suck out the water she was spraying in my mouth. I started to gag and she still didn't do anything. I just grabbed her arm and got her attention. I need a new dentist!

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you say its painful and annoying as well... i know what the dentist did to me today and it was more than that and everything together in this forum... i searched this topic because it happened to me and the worst thing is that he screwed it totaly so i have to go there in two weeks again. :D i dont know what are they paid for :P to destroy my theeth or to fix iti think we all have simple answersand they dont even have an idea :P:D

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