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A Nice Mysql Server Check

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I made this and its not very hard at all just fill in the info and it willl see if your mysql is up or down

<html><head> <title> Mysql Connection Test </title> </head><body><h2><?php// On this you need to put your host most of the times localhost username and password.$conncect = mysql_connect ( "host", "Username", "password" )or die (" Sorry your server can't connect to your mysql server <BR> Check to see you have put in the Username and password and if this is the 1st time you have got this <BR> And it has worked before That means you need to contact your hoster and tell them my MySql server is down");echo ("Good job your server has connected to your mysql server");?></h2></body> <html>

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The above script is not recommended as it has to connect to database to find out the error. Therefore, I would recommend the following script, which checks the server statistics and uptime.

And also all other ports and reports the ones which fail. So it can check httpd, mysql, POP (mail), SSH and other ports.

<?php $data .= " <style> td,body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #444444; } </style> <br> <center> <div style=\"border-bottom:1px #999999 solid;width:480;\"><b> <font size='1' color='#3896CC'>Service Status</font></b> </div> </center> <br>"; //configure script $timeout = "1"; //set service checks $port[1] = "80"; $service[1] = "Apache"; $ip[1] =""; $port[2] = "21"; $service[2] = "FTP"; $ip[2] =""; $port[3] = "3306"; $service[3] = "MYSQL"; $ip[3] =""; $port[4] = "25"; $service[4] = "Email(POP3)"; $ip[4] =""; $port[5] = "143"; $service[5] = "Email(IMAP)"; $ip[5] =""; $port[6] = "2095"; $service[6] = "Webmail"; $ip[6] =""; $port[7] = "2082"; $service[7] = "Cpanel"; $ip[7] =""; $port[8] = "80"; $service[8] = "Internet Connection"; $ip[8] ="google.com"; $port[9] = "2086"; $service[9] = "WHM"; $ip[9] =""; // // NO NEED TO EDIT BEYOND HERE // UNLESS YOU WISH TO CHANGE STYLE OF RESULTS // //count arrays $ports = count($port); $ports = $ports + 1; $count = 1; //beggin table for status $data .= "<table width='480' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' style='border-collapse:collapse' bordercolor='#333333' align='center'>"; while($count < $ports){ if($ip[$count]==""){ $ip[$count] = "localhost"; } $fp = @fsockopen("$ip[$count]", $port[$count], $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$fp) { $data .= "<tr><td>$service[$count]</td><td bgcolor='#FFC6C6'>Offline </td></tr>"; } else { $data .= "<tr><td>$service[$count]</td><td bgcolor='#D9FFB3'>Online</td></tr>"; } $count++; } //close table $data .= "</table>"; echo $data; $data1 .= " <br> <center> <div style=\"border-bottom:1px #999999 solid;width:480;\"><b> <font size='1' color='#3896CC'>Server Information</font></b> </div> </center><BR>"; $data1 .= "<table width='480' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' style='border-collapse:collapse' bordercolor='#333333' align='center'>"; //GET SERVER LOADS $loadresult = @exec('uptime'); preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/",$loadresult,$avgs); //GET SERVER UPTIME $uptime = explode(' up ', $loadresult); $uptime = explode(',', $uptime[1]); $uptime = $uptime[0].', '.$uptime[1]; $data1 .= "<tr><td>Server Load Averages </td><td>$avgs[1], $avgs[2], $avgs[3]</td>\n"; $data1 .= "<tr><td>Server Uptime </td><td>$uptime </td></tr>"; $data1 .= "</table>"; echo $data1; ?> 

If you want to check a remote server using the above script, you will have to replace

$ip[$count] = "localhost";


$ip[$count] = "IP-OF-REMOTE-HOST";

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