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Escape Characters Showing In Thread Title in forums list but not in bottom section

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I noticed today that escape characters are showing up in the "last post info" box of a forum in the main page:


Posted Image


It seems to display correctly in all the other places though. The list of posts at the bottom of the page displays it correctly:


Posted Image


Similarly, the title looks fine in the "topic title" box in the subforum:



Thank you for your attention, it's not a big deal but I thought I would be neighborly and point it out.



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It happens to me sometimes, too. And although I don't have the correct answer I have to assume that OpaQue is modifying skins for the forum--thus few kinks need to be worked out still.I am currently using LITE skin and, although many of you expressed that it's boring, it's working well for me.

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This is because the posts are stored this way in the database, with quotes escaped (for obvious reasons). I think that displaying the latest thread in the index may be some form of mod, but either way, it obviously isn't undergoing the same processing the thread's title otherwise would. A simple 'str_replace('\\"', '"', $title);' would probably fix it.

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