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Just Got A New Tv! I love it

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50"!! Thats huge! My TVs only 32". Is it a flat screen one?


I dont have any huge tv, for me the computer is more importent beacuse I wach 2 h evry day on the tv. But it would be nice to have a flat screen tv and big as 50.


One thing too, I got a new Dvd-VHS player last veek from Philips.

Its the Philips DVD Kombo DVP-3055V/02 model, is it good?


I have tryed it and it was WOW nice dvd-quality!

But the VHS quality was something better (Compare with my old player).

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We recently got a 42" LG Plasma and it really kicks... Its one of the best models, fairly old now, but sports a nice 1:10000 contrast ratio. Plasmas are really the way to go, I don't like the viewing angle thing in DLPs. This particular LG isn't HDTV because we don't have it here yet and probably won't for another few years. It does have a regular computer monitor RGB input though which is much much better than S-Video.Oh, and we got a 15" LG LCD TV for free which sits in the kitchen now, its also really good.

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Mine is huge. It's not a plasma or anything, but it's pretty big...54 inch TV. Good TV for people who cannot see well. Once I have it, I definitely do not see myself going down to TV below 50 inches.

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27 thats all i really need anything bigger is just a waste of money for me and to high maintence to take care of, would mine the works on a tv but it doesn't phase me anymore.

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I don't know what tv I got. Well I don't know the model. But they're old. We haven't bought a new tv in like a couple of years. Were not ahead in the tv department of technology. Were so like in between. NOt too advance and not paper and pencil. But just right in the middle. But I would like a plama television. they cost so much!!!

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I currently have a 19 inch tv. I had a 27 in TV but I had to hit it and turn it off and on alot to keep it working. It used to squish the picture and fuzz out. I hated that TV. I am quite happy with my little 19 inch. Its just fine for my room. I can always go into my mom's room or downstairs if I want to watch a bigger tv. :huh: I loved visiting my dad in WI. He had a huge TV and I had a great time playing on my PSOne on his TV. :P

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That's a big T.V. :P I'm sure you love it though. :(:D I don't own a T.V. because... uh, I like being on the computer instead. I run a server, so I manage it if anything goes wrong. Sounds boring, but it can be a lot of fun too. I used to own a 1997 13' T.V. Very small, and very crappy, but it worked! :huh:

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That's huge man. We have a normal 21" flat screen. The bigger the better. You've got nice one man. You can have your own home theatre then.


Dooga's is also really huge. It must be enjoyable watching films on those huge screens from home. You can enjoy as much as you do in big theatre.

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My t.v is nothing special. It's pathetic. The only good thing about is that I hooked it up to my surround sound so now when I watch movies it actually sounds good. The brand of my t.v is Symphonic which is probably not made any more. I think Panasonic bought Symphonic. I don't know though. If anyone knows if this is true let me know.

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