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Help With Pictures In Sig Help

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ok.. i use photoshop to make my sig.. of course.. i only know how to make the background that changes color and text.. what iw ant to know is how do you make a picture blend in? if i need another program that would help me.. please reccomend a FREE one.

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Hm... Photoshop can do pretty much anything. To make it blend, go to the picture's layer and play around with the settings. There's a pull-down menu there, and it's initially "Normal" Change that and pick the setting that you want. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you exactly what it is, since I don't have Photoshop open right now. I'm low on memory, and opening it would make it worse... :P

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there's already a post about blending renders. i dug it up for you. :P I hope this helps.

blending renders

Sorry, here's another one about renders. i think you should start with this one. :P

Adding A Render To A Sig

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