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Petrol And The Uk... idiot brits

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I cant believe this, people queing for ages to get petrol... why? no reason. there is no shortage. The only shortange is because everyone is buiying it in huge amounts.


Lorry drivers and that are planning to drive slowly on the motorway, why? no reason. Like that will lower petrol prices??!?!?!?!


The only REAL way to get petrol prices lowered is to boycot the large petrol stations, BP and Esso (same company) they will be forced to lower prices, and other companies will follow.


In my opinion, most british people are thick (sorry, but its true, and yes, I am british). I am not old enough to drive yet, but I dont want to be paying over ?1 (GBP) a liter when I drive. So to all british people who drive:




Me and a few friends have been thinking about this for a while, and it will work. we just need to get about 1/2 the UK to stop buying from the large companies.

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I couldn't agree more .... queing for ages just to save a relative miniscule amount of money on petrol is ridiculous .... I've no doubt we'll end up with a winter of fuel protests again .... which is a nightmare, causing untold chaos ....


however, from what I've heard in the news lately, I'd be more worried about the potential fuel shortage over the winter months .... considered opinion from some experts suggests that this is a very real possibility .... and for a country that relies heavily on gas to heat their homes, we could be in for a long cold winter .... brrr!!


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it is all hype, and no reason. I totally agree. If you drive ten additional miles, because you want to save one penny, and then you fill up you barely save enough money to buy a Mars bar. so what is the point? It is better to drive economically. Avoiding to brake, no quick acceleration. if you know that you will have to wait for more than 20 seconds and the engine is already on working temperature, switch it OFF. You are not in a great hurry? stay within the speed limit, it reduces stress, but more importantly it saves petrol. driving passively always saves petrol. let the next person get into your line in front of you, use all the available space, when a one-lane reduction is ahead, only move into the one lane at the latest possible moment, just think of how much longer the que is, if they are in single file. It is half the length in double file! that speeds up the whole process.and so on and on

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Petrol rates have hiked in India.Petrol Rate Per Litre.Previous Rate : Rs. 44.x (1.011X USD)Current Rate : Rs. 48.x (1.11X USD )

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I agree with your idea. Small garages are being forced out of business because they can't afford to lower prices. Getting people to buy from them will result in large corporations thinking seriously about what the public is really willing to pay. Oil companies are making huge amounts of money every second, they can afford to frop a few pence from the price of a litre of petrol.


There never was a petrol shortage, and there never was going to be one either. The national press started rumours about a possible shortage, resulting in panic buying and a shortage. Well done to the public of Britain.


People are making things worse for themselves. If everyone goes out and buys a load of petrol at the cheapest price they can find, everyone is forced to buy higher priced petrol, with more tax going towards the government! Again, well done, how counter-productive we are.


I am sure the government and the oil companies would take notice if every haulage company, delivery service, lorry driver and car user suddenly decided to stop using their fuel... Its simple supply and demand. There is a huge demand and the companies are making people pay for it. If people stopped using their fuel, there would be no demand, and the only way to entice people back is to drop prices. Everyone should get on their bike or walk. Its good for you and will drive fuel prices down.


A go-slow? On a British motorway? I thought that was called 'going to work'?

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I agree with you the oil companies are treating us like they can get away with anything. There is this small service station by my house and it just can not compete with the Mobile down the road. I like the small station better it is part of the community but for some reason no one ever goes there even though the prices are actually the same. I don't understand why something is better because it has a brand name attached to it. I also don't understand why someone would rather make an oil tycoon richer than buying from the local guy.

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It won't be of any use, where do you think the smaller companies buy their oil from? Yup, BP.Here is the best way:Buy less cars, boycott especially the larger car companies and buy the smallest engined car if you have to. You see, no cars = less petroleum needed. Go take the bus, the train, the subway (tube as you guys call it :P ).In a matter of years the large car companies will start bragging about lower sales, lower profit and the governments + OPEC + Petroleum Companies will be pressured to lower prices.

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All these are good ideas but you try and get the general public out of their fast/big luxury cars with air conditioning, sat nav, CD/MD/MP3 player, comfy seats, clean smell etc etc etc, and into public transport. Or even a small car.


The fact is public transport is *BLEEP* and seems to be getting expensive by the day. For example when I remember a few years ago adult single on a bus used to be 70p, now in the space of a couple of years it costs ?1.20. And the transport hasn't really gotten that much better.

Buses and trains still tend to arrive late or in some places few and far between. Journeys take a long time. Where a trip to work could take 10mins by car it can take 30mins or more. So you have to get up a bit earlier, which noone likes doing, just to get to work on time.

And lets not forget how dirty they are, but that's more the people who use the transport.


I think the main reason people were queuing like mad was because there was a scare of a strike or shortage. The alst time we did have one causaed a lot of chaos. Petrol would easily sell for over ?1 a litre untill things settled down again. Topping up before a strike could save you loads + it's always good to have a car full of petrol incase of emergencies.

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