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A Couple Of Phpbb Questions adding code, css files, linking

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Sorry about the vague title, but I couldn't possibly fit what I needed in such a small line. Anyway, I would really appreciate it if anyone can answer any of these questions that I have about PHPBB.

First, I want to know how I can change the logo of the PHPBB. When you first install PHPBB, it gives you their logo. You know, the one on the top-left. How do I change it to something that I want?

Second, how do I make it so that when you click on the logo, you go to a different location instead of the forum root?

Third, is it possible to add addition code to the forum root? I want to provide a set of links somewhere on the page. I checked the index.php, but I couldn't understand it.

Fourth (and final question), how do I make a separate .css file, so that the page is calling that everytime? In the source code of a phpbb forum, there is this message:

These CSS definitions are stored within the main page body so that you can use the phpBB2  theme administration centre. When you have finalised your style you could cut the final CSS code
  and place it in an external file, deleting this section to save bandwidth.

Well, how do I cut the final CSS code and place it in an external file.

Thank you for reading this far. I did as fast as I could so that I could get some shut eye, so the questions may not be as clear as I hoped. Please post if you have any questions about my questions.

EDIT: Found an error.
Edited by snlildude87 (see edit history)

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THe only thing i know is how to change the banner. To change the banner you have to go into your images folder where you uploaded the PHPBB board and find the image you want and replace it. To change the link just look around the folders you might find it.

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Ah, first of all, if you used IPB instead of phpBB, I could answer almost all of your questions, but here you with what I can give you

go to /php/templates/subsilver/images that is where your default logo is located.

now go to /php/template/subsilver/overall_header.tpl, scroll towards the bottom of the coding and find...

<td class="bodyline"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">  	<tr>     <b><td><a href="{U_INDEX}"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.gif" border="0" alt="{L_INDEX}" vspace="1" /></a></td></b>    <td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}<br />  </span>     <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">    	<tr>       <td align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="mainmenu"> <a href="{U_FAQ}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_faq.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_FAQ}" hspace="3" />{L_FAQ}</a></span><span class="mainmenu">   <a href="{U_SEARCH}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_search.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_SEARCH}" hspace="3" />{L_SEARCH}</a>   <a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_members.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_MEMBERLIST}" hspace="3" />{L_MEMBERLIST}</a>   <a href="{U_GROUP_CP}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_groups.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_USERGROUPS}" hspace="3" />{L_USERGROUPS}</a>        <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_out -->

logo_phpbb.gif is your default logo, I think you know what to do from there snlildude. Then, also in the code above, you see all the links (member list, user groups, etc.), you should be able to add links there.

As for adding content, I know what you are trying to do, I've done it on my IPB Forum, but as for phpbb I am unfamiliar. I really think IPB is much better that phpBB, but that is up to you - that's all I can help you with...

At least that will give you something to work on, hope it helps :)

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Have you tried to search on phpbb.com forums. They have all your answers in there. Also if you want let's say convert your ipb database to phpbb you'll find the right tool in there for downloading.You'll also find good mods for phpbb. Phpbb is very good. :)

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Fourth (and final question), how do I make a separate .css file, so that the page is calling that everytime? In the source code of a phpbb forum, there is this message:Well, how do I cut the final CSS code and place it in an external file.

I've not used phpBB but I would've thought you'd cut the code from the page, paste into your text editor and save it as *.css and then in your page put this:

<link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="*.css" />

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elevenmil, man in the aviators, you are a genius. At first, I saw those .tpl files, but I had no idea what they were, so I didn't want to touch it. Dude, thanks so much!And Tysse, going into overall_header.tpl helped because that contained the header HTML code. Thanks for your suggestion though.I'm closing this thread now because elevenmil answered my question.

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