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Sig Of The Week #5 -- Discussion Talk about the SOTW here, please.

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you have to vote for it, but i have a question true, why you using the same sig again for SOTW, it was stated that it has to be a different sig each time.

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i don't know what im thinking with this sig :), but i will be good about it and see how this one runs.

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Is it just me or do other people find it a little bizarre that the last 2 sigs submitted by snlildude87 feature an elf in a forest scene? If he's from Antarctica, where the heck does he get his inspiration form? Not too many forests in Antarctica as far as I know. Reminiscing perhaps? :)I must say though, I like his choice of renders. :)

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well I wont be able to join sig of the week this time because my computer is broken :)anyways accrding to me I think Avalon's sig is the best and then snildude and then saint mike.Avalon's sig are always nice to watch...no question about that!snildude...yours come second the reason is you've repeated the sig.....it becomes boring....but It still looks great!Mike : your sig is nice, unique one.....but just have a look at avalon's :)

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WOW, i see some good looking stuff, i know its going to be a toss up between snlil and cool freaker

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