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First Trap17 Site No pages, but layouts there

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I'll just add that your skill are improving. I've seen the first version of site (old one) and it was crap! The second one looks a bit better, but there is definetly room for improvement, and you are on a good path. Now to give some advice, how you can make it look better:1. change ALL fonts to verdana2. main font size should be 10, headings 12 at most3. make menu images (text) consistent, use 12px font verdana there too4. try filling white space with some sort of gray (or something else)5. try using gray text (if you choose to use another color then gray as bg)thats it for now, feel free to ask if something concerns you in particular

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I'll just add that your skill are improving. I've seen the first version of site (old one) and it was crap! The second one looks a bit better, but there is definetly room for improvement, and you are on a good path.

Now to give some advice, how you can make it look better:


1. change ALL fonts to verdana

2. main font size should be 10, headings 12 at most

3. make menu images (text) consistent, use 12px font verdana there too

4. try filling white space with some sort of gray (or something else)

5. try using gray text (if you choose to use another color then gray as bg)


thats it for now, feel free to ask if something concerns you in particular


K, thanks for the advice. I'd been noticing a basic text error on the Apologetics pages, I'll need to fix that. I'll have to look into the font sizes, might take your advice on that. Interesting idea about the gray text, but I'm going to want some parts of the text to stand out. With filling in the white spaces, I'm not sure if it will affect loading time, but since the site is apparently loading at a decent speed it might also be something for me to look into.


Oh, and that first site was junk :)


I'd been working on it last year when I gave up on it, was just starting out then. I started working on this site but had some trouble with the coding to get the graphics in the right place and didn't start working on it again until just recently. The big reason I did was because of finding out about Xisto. Hopefully this new site can have even better content then the first one while having info spaced out more so it loads better, and have a better look to it as well.


Right now I'm mainly just worrying about making pages for the site and once I start getting more info in I'll begin worrying more about the look and functionality of it. Thanks for the ideas though!

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I don't especially like the banner, the color scheme, or the fonts on your images - except the one on the header, which is excusable. The scheme itself is very hard to read when it's all combined like that.

I would recommend learning CSS and putting it into an external stylesheet. Also, I would get rid of the tables since they're kind of beginnerish. Use div layers! :)

Lastly, make sure your site is always validated. You'll have to insert a doctype at the top of your page first.

I'm gonna say...5/10. Since it's your first real layout, I was a bit easy. You could definitely put more time and effort into your site and make it truly good.

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I don't especially like the banner, the color scheme, or the fonts on your images - except the one on the header, which is excusable. The scheme itself is very hard to read  when it's all combined like that.


I would recommend learning CSS and putting it into an external stylesheet. Also, I would get rid of the tables since they're kind of beginnerish. Use div layers! :D


Lastly, make sure your site is always validated. You'll have to insert a doctype at the top of your page first.


I'm gonna say...5/10. Since it's your first real layout, I was a bit easy. You could definitely put more time and effort into your site and make it truly good.


Umm... BR, my site doesn't have a banner, unless you mean the title? There are no fonts to my images, unless you mean the ones for the layout. I'm not sure about the validator url, I'll have to look into that.


You are looking at my new site at http://forums.xisto.com and not my old, old one at http://jzyehoshua.8m.com/ right? :)


Because there was a database error right after I forgot to put the site link in I wasn't able to correct the issue and everyone's been replying to the wrong site this whole time. I was hoping this issue was corrected, but... If noone is reading the last posts, maybe it would be a good idea to repost this as a new topic... :)

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hehe...I like it it looks good. I liked reading the False Doctrines section... But just a little tips...you should change the verse numbers to either <sub> sundscripts or prescripts....I cant think of the tag for that...im still a huge n00b

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Ciroxyz, alright, I toned down the font size to 12's and 14's. The 10/12 font sizes looked too small on the 1024 by 768 resolution which is why I bumped it up. I guess the verdana does look a bit better then arial, a bit more impersonal which worried me a bit at first and I'll have to think about which font I want more. I'm actually thinking about verdana on some pages and arial on others, depending on which mood I want for which page. And I'm a bit hesitant to mess around with gray on the page since I'm not looking to make the site look more somber, and kind of like the look as it is. I've been thinking about redoing the text for those buttons as well like you suggested.


I was wondering, why do you think I should try gray on the site? I was wondering how to get a slight border near the picture too on that left side so the text wouldn't run up against it like that, do you know what the code for it would be offhand?


Also, yet another reminder to people out there, the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , not http://jzyehoshua.8m.com/

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Rite ok then :)now. . . lets start on the new one.first impressions: Vastly improved graphics and style :DGraphix - 4/10 more interesting than ur other site, and i prefer the buttons, although they could be a bit more visible by creating a stroke or something. The header grpahix look nicer too :)Layout - 3/10 mmmmmm again its quite a simpel layout, but is improved by the new graphics :) the smaller text and differernt font is good too :PContent - 6/10 Well i assume ur still creating pages and moving content from ur old site so i'll assume it'll all be the same.Errors - no major errors that i can see, but something i think wud look better is that if you changed the white block to the left of naviagtion to the same grey as your main cotnent background, then'it'll flow nicely :)i would give this site an improved 5/10,

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Yep, I was talking about the new site. The blue, dark green, black, and white doesn't really work. It has too many blocks of colors in one place. Also, I linked the validation URL to you in my last post. If you didn't get it then, it's validator.w3.org so check your site up on that. Make sure you have the correct doctype first. If you made yours in an editing program, it should automatically insert the doctype at the top of your page although some of them insert extra code.


The banner is basically your title although title in HTML signifies the text at the top of a window. It's just site terminology.

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Yep, I was talking about the new site. The blue, dark green, black, and white doesn't really work. It has too many blocks of colors in one place. Also, I linked the validation URL to you in my last post. If you didn't get it then, it's validator.w3.org so check your site up on that. Make sure you have the correct doctype first. If you made yours in an editing program, it should automatically insert the doctype at the top of your page although some of them insert extra code.


The banner is basically your title although title in HTML signifies the text at the top of a window. It's just site terminology.


Ok, thanks BR, Goosestaf. I've made quite a few editing changes now, the black bar is gone, the Apologetics and Poetry sections have the links in cool looking tables, the buttons are in the same style as the site title now, there's new pages, a shoutbox, and I put the stepping stones section in a nice looking textbox with a scrollbar.


So yeah, I went with a lot of your ideas as best I understood them. Sorry about the misunderstanding BR, I'm used to thinking of banners in ads, noob mistake I guess :P


I did try the validator thing a while ago but it gave me some error about line 41 on the main page not having the right coding or something but I couldn't see anything wrong with it and the faq's didn't help, so...

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OK, for one, you shouldn't close font tags if you didn't open them. Doing a style attribute within a paragraph does not require closing the attribute that you used. Take all of those out first (and there are a lot)


Secondly, one of your META tags, the second one I believe, is kinda screwed up.


Yours says:

and it needs that last quotation mark or it won't work.


And the last mistake I could find was this image source:


Yours says:

<img style="width: 350px; height: 225px;[B]" margin: 20px;[/B] alt="" src="/background/Cross.jpg" align="right" border="0">


Don't close that quotation until after the "margin:20px;" part. All of those combined ought to clear up the validation...or at least let me see what else is wrong with the coding.


And I suppose the buttons are nice...but the colors are still trippy. I mean, this is a religious personal site. Blasts of blue and green, black and white, aren't going to make the mood any more serious than it is now.

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Hey man, I really like your page!! Nicely done and what matters the most, you have good contents..Today it is less and less obvious that there has to be something more in this world than just pure materialism and your page talks about something more. I am not christian, but I respect every religion because in their essence they share the same idea - DO GOOD, AVOID EVIL, PRACTICE LOVE AND COMPASSION! This is also the message of your site so this is why i like it...Keep up the good work mate..

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