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I got a small question, to say if you site being hosted here was hacked and the password for you cpanel change, your filies took off, emails changed, and anything else destoryed and ect.Now my question is this, does my host (here) gives us a back up, helps us get back on cpanel, and ect. I want to know this if this is to ever happen to me.Also say my IPB got hacked and everything earsed and banned me to view my forums. Could i notify IPB and they could help me get it bacl?I am trying to learn this so if something bad was to happen to my site i am fully prepared and ready to get everything back to normal as fast as i can.Thank you,Mysterio

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Always backup your files off site--meaning at your hard drive or some place safe. If your cPanel gets hacked in, the hacker can't do that much of damage except disrupt your service and delete all your things. OpaQue has now set up this like https://support.xisto.com/ and you can select the option 7 to reset your cPanel password. You can reset your password and enter and make it all right again. Then you can reload all your backed up files from your hard drive or from a safe place. See?

If your handle gets banned or disabled from posting, you can always PM administrators and they can check correct the issue. There are logs that can track which names are logged in by which IP. So administrators will know right away that it wasn't you. As long as your IP is not banned from this forum you can create a temp ID and contact administrators, IF and only if you cannot get to this forum.

But the bottom line, no Xisto does not back up your site for you. You have to do that yourself. :) Okay?

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My website has been hacked multiple times, but because I have different passwords for my CPanel and my account on the forums, they were only able to take control of my website. After I had discovered this, I emailed the admins about my situation and they reset my password. Of course that was before this feature to change your cpanel had been created, so now all you would have to do is go onto the script to change your cpanel password...and voila!

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