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My Mom Thinks I'm Drinking or something like that.

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owke here is the story:

i'm usually going into the city with friends, and then just drink and party, you know what i'm talking about. But ever since my lil bro 2 years back had to trowup in the car (we just bought a new bmw), she thinks drinking is very bad for us. (but she drinks like 1 bottle of wine every night...  :(). example. Every night befor we go to the city we will drink in at someone's place. I never want to drink in at my place because if people drink about 2 beers my mom allready says... oke no drinks anymore for them.  :)

Really hate that if that happens.


And she is relating everything to drinking, lets say one morning i'm tired... she automatacly says: "Thats because of the beer"...  :)  :D  :P  THAT PISSES ME OF!    its the same if you break your leg and she says its because of the beer...  :(


yesterday evening, she cooked some kind of noodles. I didn't eat so much of them but i eat a bit of it. And it was discusting, no1 of our family wanted to eat it. But i allready ate some of it. (my mom also ate from it) And my lil bro had a friend at our house, they were just a bit computering. And i just sat down at the coutch beeing a bit ill, and didn't eat or drink anything because i was feeling really full. And that night i was feeling sicker and sicker. And at the time i was going to bed i was feeling really sick. I was laying in my bed, and felt like i was going to trow up. So i went to the bathroom to trow up into the toilet... i was sitting there a while... and i just could'nt trow up... but i was feeling sicker and sicker... Then i just had something like what the h*ll and i sprong up and jumped a bit, and then i really had to throw up :P, So the whole toilet was dirty and sh*t but, i cleaned it all, so i went to my parents saying like there was something wrong with that noodles... (and yes my mom didn't believed me...  :)). So i went down to watch some tv and rest a bit. but then my mom got down stairs saying i have to go to bed. I said "i'm just resting here... because i had to throw up all that noodles you made". And still she didn't believe me, and then she said where everybody was wainting for:


"What did you drink?"


Well i could kill her when she said that...  :)  :D  :D


Yeah I know they are crazy because I am only 14 and my mom acused me of smoking,drinking,skiping school,and everything else.


She has problem.She think someone is puting holes in her colths,tapping her phone,messing with her refridge and all of the above.


And her husband is probly the main one doing it.

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