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Question On Upgrading Before Activating Am I going to lose my credits?

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I have already applied for and been accepted for the Free hosting account HOWEVER I have not activated it yet.

I have been reading over the forums & have run into another question. I was under the impression that if I got the #1 package (10 credits) I would have to post LESS per month than if I had the #2 package (30 credits). Since I wanted to lessen my need for posting in the forums, so that I could learn/understand this C-panel thing, I requested the smaller starter package (for only 10 credits)

Now after reading This thread I think I was all mixed up. It says that NO MATTER which plan I chose, my current credits will be reduced to 2 CREDITS when I activate, whether I choose to use 10 credits or 30. Is this correct? I know the moderator said that EVERYONE understood this, BUT I didn't.

Everyone who applies for packages are fully aware of what is required for free hosting packages, unless TOS wasn't read and understood correctly.

I have no idea WHERE it says this (except in this post) Did I miss an important "guide" or something that explains this? I've read these threads: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Hosting Introduction and Rules, Posting & Activity Rules, & Instructions for Titles and Descriptions and would have expected the notice about credits dropping down to 2 to be in one of these, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
So my questions are:
1: Does the size of the "Package" you choose, affect HOW MUCH you need to post in the forums to keep your hosting active, or is it the same for either plan?

2: Now that I've been accepted for the 10 point plan, but haven't activated, can I request an UPGRADE to use up the points I have, so as not to lose them when I do activate. (I have 30+ points, thought I was "saving them")

3: Is there a manual or introduction that I missed that explained this stuff?

I'm sorry if this stuff has been explained fully somewhere else & I missed it. I did try to read the pinned messages in all the forums, but perhaps i missed this one.

Thank you for any help you can provide, Jane

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So my questions are:

1: Does the size of the "Package" you choose, affect HOW MUCH you need to post in the forums to keep your hosting active, or is it the same for either plan?

The hosting plans are only distinguished by the amount of storage space and allowed monthly bandwidth. Regardless of your hosting plan, the hosting credit is the same. It is determined by the length and quality. Every plan will have reduction of 1 hosting credit per day. The length and quality of your post will determine how many hosting credits you earn per post.


2: Now that I've been accepted for the 10 point plan, but haven't activated, can I request an UPGRADE to use up the points I have, so as not to lose them when I do activate. (I have 30+ points, thought I was "saving them")

As long as you do not activate your hosting you will not lose your hosting credits. However, you are going to have to talk to OpaQue or Johnny (and soon NilsC) regarding canceling your current application and reapply for the package 2. The reason that your hosting credit resets to 2 is for this exact reason. As I have stated at the thread you enclosed, if a person would to post and collect 100 credits and ONLY loses 10 (or 30) credits when hosting is activated, this forum may not see that person for the next 90 (or 70) days. This forum was designed to encourage all members to be active and participate in the forum discussion. Think of free web hosting as just the reward for your participation.


3: Is there a manual or introduction that I missed that explained this stuff?


I'm sorry if this stuff has been explained fully somewhere else & I missed it. I did try to read the pinned messages in all the forums, but perhaps i missed this one.


Thank you for any help you can provide, Jane


You are right. The resetting of a hosting credit is not described in TOS or board rules. However we do have many topics that were asked regarding this matter.


Jane, I would PM OpaQue or Johnny regarding your current situation. Explain to them that you would rather have the package #2 instead of your already approved package #1. And wait for their response. But be prepare to go ahead and activate your hosting and upgrade later. However, you will find later that posting becomes very easy and you will earn your credits in no time.


Just on the side note: if you find yourself having real difficulties keeping up your hosting credits you can purchase hosting credits through OpaQue OR purchase a paid hosting. They are really affordable. Please go to the main forum page and look for Xisto - Web Hosting information, located just under the green text "Hosting Credits." Xisto - Web Hosting offers several different paid hostings for your needs.


Thank you.

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Thank you for answering all my questions fully. :P It's not that posting to the forums is difficult, it's just that I have never tried to do this stuff all myself before (cpanel, php, etc...) and I wanted to be able to concentrate on learning it. I thought that choosing the "smaller" package would require less "activity" on my part in the forums, though I have no Idea where I got that impression. :P I do plan on upgrading to a "paid" account IF/WHEN I can get this stuff figured out. I just wanted to try it out for "free" before purchasing to see if I can even do this on my own. (Building my website and shopping cart)Again thank you for taking the time to help me out. I will PM OpaQue and Johnny to discuss the current situation I am in.Have a GREAT DAY! ;) --Jane

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You're welcome, Jane. I hope my words weren't too stiff (I've been told my writing style sounds like a punishing tone of voice).Just to let you know that when you access your cPanel (the main control for your hosting account) you will see that Xisto has included many scripts that you don't have to start making from the scratch. Formmailing is one (formmail is a program that gather's visitor's information and mails it to you) and shopping cart is another one. Although I personally do not use the shopping cart scripts we have few posts that deals with questions and proper ways of infusing with your website.Take your time and please ask any questions you might have.

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I have already applied for and been accepted for the Free hosting account HOWEVER I have not activated it yet.


I have been reading over the forums & have run into another question.  I was under the impression that if I got the #1 package (10 credits) I would have to post LESS per month than if I had the #2 package (30 credits).  Since I wanted to lessen my need for posting in the forums, so that I could learn/understand this C-panel thing, I requested the smaller starter package (for only 10 credits)


Now after reading This thread I think I was all mixed up. It says that NO MATTER which plan I chose, my current credits will be reduced to 2 CREDITS when I activate, whether I choose to use 10 credits or 30. Is this correct? I know the moderator said that EVERYONE understood this, BUT I didn't.


I have no idea WHERE it says this (except in this post) Did I miss an important "guide" or something that explains this? I've read these threads: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Hosting Introduction and Rules, Posting & Activity Rules, & Instructions for Titles and Descriptions and would have expected the notice about credits dropping down to 2 to be in one of these, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.


So my questions are:

1: Does the size of the "Package" you choose, affect HOW MUCH you need to post in the forums to keep your hosting active, or is it the same for either plan?


2: Now that I've been accepted for the 10 point plan, but haven't activated, can I request an UPGRADE to use up the points I have, so as not to lose them when I do activate. (I have 30+ points, thought I was "saving them")


3: Is there a manual or introduction that I missed that explained this stuff?


I'm sorry if this stuff has been explained fully somewhere else & I missed it. I did try to read the pinned messages in all the forums, but perhaps i missed this one.


Thank you for any help you can provide, Jane



Yea most people get mixed up and end up picking the 10credits package when if they get 20more credits they can get the better package and it decreases at the same rate.


When I first join which was not to long ago I wasnt even thinking about the 10credit package because you can get that at mostly all webhost even though you wont get the extra features.


Most lazy people who are hosting a 10credit package are making a website thats really not about anything except them.


If youre just gonna make a site about you so you friends can see it you might wanna consider the 10 credit package but if youre making a design site or something use the 30credit package.

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BuffaloHELP: No, I didn't think it was to stiff or anything. I thought it was thorough & professional. :o Good job! *Patting you on the back* Oh and I PM'd OpaQue to see if he could help me out on this.

If youre just gonna make a site about you so you friends can see it you might wanna consider the 10 credit package but if youre making a design site or something use the 30credit package.

Acidify: If I wanted a site about me I would just BLOG, this is for my home-business. I just need time to learn how to do it, but my reasoning for choosing the smaller package was flawed. ;) Thanks for taking the time to add your insight though, I thought I couldn't be the only person to not understand.

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