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Dreamweaver Permissions Issue Access denied when trying to FTP

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Okay, so I was trying to FTP these files over dreamweaver today... and it seemed to be working fine. But then, certain files won't let me transfer from my hard drive to the internet, or the other way around. It gives me this error message:

An FTP error occured - cannot put form1.html. Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem.

Anyway, I know that the file does indeed exist. I've opened it on my hard-drive... and it is there. But it won't let me upload this one or certain other ones with the FTP.

So I went online and searched for what it could be, because I thought it might be some settings were wrong in my Dreamweaver, since I just got this new version installed - Dreamweaver MX 2004 by the way - and found this stuff about it having bugs much like I was finding, but only in the 7.0 version and mine is 7.0.1 (if that means anything to you....)

So, I don't know what else to do. I should have all the permissions. It's my webspace that I'm uploading it to, and they are my files on my personal laptop, so I couldn't see how I wouldn't have permisson other than some setting being off somewhere.

Has this happened to any of you? And what did you have to do to fix it? Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.

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hey Midnightvamp!well have you checked the chmod settings of the folder in which you were trying to upload the file....secondly if you get other suggestions and other than this one then try those first and lastly try to use internet explorer to upload the file....if you want to know how then let me tell you.......1. Open internet explorer.2. in the address bar type you ftp server address.3. put username and password....by clicking on FILE->LOGIN4. once you will do that it will show you all the folders created in the FTP in the form of Explorer.5. Open Public_html folder (by double clicking on it)6. open the folder where you want to copy the files.7. simply copy the file from you harddisk and then paste it in that window where you files are located.I hope this helps you and fixes up the problem which you are facing. ;)

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Yes, I was adjusting the chmod of the files in my cpanel... somehow they got online, but not the way I wanted them, and then when I tried to upload the page the way I did want it, it wouldn't let me. Oh - is there a way to change the chmod on the files in my hard-drive too? If so, how is it done?Anyway, I decided to just create completely new pages, so that I could edit and upload whenever I want, but now I can't delete any of the files from my hard drive or from the internet, so they are just sitting around taking up space. It was one of the phpformgenerator (well, actually three because I tried a few times!) and each one sent -tons- of files and folders to the site, so there is quite a bit of stuff that is just sitting there taking up space.If you have any idea what I can do to get rid of them, please, do let me know. Thanks.

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Okay, so I was trying to FTP these files over dreamweaver today... and it seemed to be working fine. But then, certain files won't let me transfer from my hard drive to the internet, or the other way around. It gives me this error message:


So, I don't know what else to do. I should have all the permissions. It's my webspace that I'm uploading it to, and they are my files on my personal laptop, so I couldn't see how I wouldn't have permisson other than some setting being off somewhere.


I don't know what you mean by "FTP these files over dreamweaver"


But since the problem are in 2 files, I sugest to try the following two tries to know the reason:


1. Try to use ftp from your computer to your space in Xisto without dreamaever interference. Use your domain.trap17.com as host and your id and password as in forum and local system is where these files are.




2. use normal filemanger after you log in to your control panel and click on upload then browse your hard find to upload these two file.


If you succeded then the error in dreamweaver or may be form1 name of the file is reserved or need permission in dreamweaver.


For your question about chmod: chmond is something in unix or Linux systems. If you using windows to you can change the permission by click right on the mouse while pointe it on the file then click on properties and tick the permission you want.


I hope that thiese help.

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Okay, well, I tried doing it with another ftp thing, and even just using the browser window like suggested, but still got the same error. So, it must not just be Dreamweaver.Anyway, I went into the file manager in cpanel, and from there, I was able to delete the files, so this is good. By 'ftp these files over dreamweaver', I probably should have said, 'ftp these files with the built-in ftp-ing thing that dreamweaver has'... if that makes any sense. Sorry. I don't know all the proper terms for this sort of stuff.Either way, I'm happy now, because I got rid of the files (well, all but two folders on my hard-drive... but they are empty now, so that isn't a problem for me. They can stay there!)

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Hi, I have the same problem!I'm new to web design and Dreamweaver. And this is my first time building a site for my friend who is a photographer. She already has a existing site, and when I finished the design and tried to upload to the server to replace the old one. The same thing happened. And I couldn't update it at all. It won't let me loading my new files, and I can't remove the old files neither... What can I do? I was already late for the due day. I don't like to disappoint my friend...PLEASE!! Any help?-reply by NewToDreamweaver

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I had this problem. Call your hosting company and see if your account has exceeded the GB space for your cPanel. Just ask to get it upped and then you can do your updates on Dreamweaver. Mine was 10 GB and it was upped to 20 GB for my cPanel. I have a reseller account. It was really frustrating bc the teck did not catch it the first time I called. Next day, my stats were not working. And the another teck saw the problem. FIXED! Talk about uck me and my brain! Zoe Zane

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