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Just A Few Question

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I just wanted to know if all website are accepted or only high quality websites.Also how long does it take to approve a request for hosting. Does it even need to be accepted?Does the cpanel let you park a domain?Thanks for the help!

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I believe that all websites are accepted... because everyone's gotta start somewhere. Plus, they give you the hosting, before they can tell your web-making abilities. Though I'm not sure on their stance on certain types of websites... I know you can't do illegal stuff on them. But that won't be a problem, right?As for the hosting... it's all over the place. It can be anywhere from a few minutes to days. It all depends on how busy the Administrators are. They are the only ones that can approve the hosting. My application took about a day to get accepted... if that means anything to you.Hmmm... I believe that one of the features in cpanel is called 'Parked Domains' or something to that effect. I don't know what it means, but I'm assuming that whatever it is... you're covered ;)And you are very welcome!

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Ok can someone help I just requested hosting....


Now Im getting this thing that is saying


Processing... Please Wait! Do not hit Reload or Back...

Username Validated

Connecting to Database...

Database connection Established...

Validating Username and password..

Username Validated.

Checking Permissions...

Permissions granted.

Preparing data for Creating Account...


You are supposed to get approved for hosting by ADMINISTRATORs.


You are suppose to get approved for hosting by ADMINISTRATORs.compute



Now Im at this page and have been waiting for quite a while... How long do I have to wait? is this normal?


I have SBC Yahoo DSL...


By the way I'm posting this from another computer. I left the page open on my laptop without touching anything.... Still waiting.


Just wanted to know how long do I have to wait... Kind of getting Worried.


Thanks in Advance!

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Please wait until your hosting application is approve BEFORE you try to activate hosting process.


Do you own corzendesign.com? Otherwise you have to apply for Xisto's subdomain. For example, yourName.trap17.com


Edit: Moving from General Talk to Questions & Queries.

Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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