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Site Content Ripper Ripper = doranp20

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Hehehe... :PWhat an obvious ripper... He even took your catchline... ;)Makes me boil mad as well. :P He will pay, oh yes he will...BTW, did he reply yet? I thought you said you PMed him. Just tell him to change the content, and at least post a link to your site, since he's using your programs and all...

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Hehehe...  :P

What an obvious ripper... He even took your catchline... ;)

Makes me boil mad as well.  :P  He will pay, oh yes he will...

BTW, did he reply yet? I thought you said you PMed him. Just tell him to change the content, and at least post a link to your site, since he's using your programs and all...


Yep. He replied. This is what I emailed him:

several thing that i noticed when i visited your site:


1. you did not place the code: <?php include("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;); ?> on your site. do that first.


2. the most important point: you're copying my content. please stop. read before you plan to do that. for example, did you receive a livestrong bracelet. i don't think so. if you don't stop, i will ban you from Xisto. also, delete all the posts that you copied. it's not right.

He responded to this with:

I am very sorry for what i have done but since what i have done i am offering you a affiliate for free send me your affiliate

Then, I said:

hang on. you want to offer me affiliation? you've got to be kidding me. i get more hits than you do in a week, buddy.


by the way, take a look at this thread: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26586-site-content-ripper-ripper-doranp20/


the entire Xisto hates you.

His response:

lol i dont really care if they hate me they can all get a life because their on the comp to much


you dont really have a REAL COPYRIGHT ON IT

I said:

they actually do have lifes. most of the people who comment there don't even go to Xisto often.


i know i don't have copyright on it, but that doesn't mean that you should copy my content. that's morally wrong.


oh, by the way, i know where you live, and i don't live that far from michigan anyway. i mean, if i can't do anything about it, surely i can get the FBI or some federal agency to come to --censored--


...or, since i get 2000 unique visitors a day, i can give your phone number out, so random people will call you: --censored--

His reply:

first of all my cell phone number aint the right one i have changed i havent used that one since i was a freshmen second of all i have moved 2 weeks ago we now live in west troy and also you couldnt get *BLEEP* on me because first of all you dont have a REAL copyright so surely my *bottom* your gonna get the fbi becuase there have been a case of copying with no copyright. Id like to see you do that. Lol they got bigger problems to deal with such as terrorist i dont think they will care that i copied your site stupid. also dont you live in alaska <reallly close your like a mile away> also i can sue you for harrasment. so stop talking!


whatever you say.


and why are you calling me stupid? you're the one who lacks the skills to make up your own content...or at least READ when copying and pasting.


and no, i don't live in alaska. it's antartica, so you can sue me all you want. US laws don't apply to me.

His: --still pending--

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Urgh~! Content theives are the worst! They know that what they're doing is wrong, but they still don't care, as long as they find a loophole! He should really get a life, making up a site with stolen content...

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:P lol, Saint Michael... Why not take it down? Copying site content is pure evil and stupidity. It proves how incompetent and amateur you are, taking credit from other people's hard work. I bet that guy wouldn't like it if it happened to him. ;)

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I bet that guy wouldn't like it if it happened to him.  ;)


Haha, that's only if the guy had enough brain matter to think of his own content. :P


Anyway, go to my site and take a look at the Facts about Men post. Look at number 20 or 21 (I forget). I'm hoping that he'll copy the entire thing and put it on his site....Man, I'm evil. :P

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