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Problems With Service php not working and site was down

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I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this. Is this where you post problems you are having with the hosting service?

Today seems to have been a bad day for my website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

The site has been sluggish loading and earlier today the php for both my directory and forum wasn't working and had errors of Cannot find server or SQL errors saying that it couldn't find the database. It was like that for over an hour and then suddenly fixed itself. Just now my entire web site went down. I'm not sure how long it was down- at least 15 minutes, but it seems to be working now. Very strange behavior. What do you make of it? This is the first time I've had problems with the service, by the way.

I appreciate your help!

Also, can you tell me what we can do if we go over and need more bandwidth for the month?

Thank you very much! :)

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It's hard to pin-point exactly what caused a temporal disruption of your hosting service, but it's fixed now and it's up and running fine. By the way, great looking site.Sometimes when a database is being used, either by OpaQue for upgrading features or abused by another hosting member, the server will have difficulties in keeping up with other connect demands. Please be patient. As you noticed, it was right back up in 15 minutes. I don't think any free web hosting companies can provide such robust services, let alone even some paid hosting companies.When you require higher bandwidth than what you already have, try upgrading to package 2 if you have package 1. Package 2 offers 150mb of space with 5gb of bandwidth. It will cost 30 hosting credits for you to upgrade. Just fill out the Free Web Hosting Upgrade application.Thank you.

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Thanks for the quick reply. I already have package 2 and I'm wondering what will happen when I exceed the alloted bandwidth and what my options are. Will my site be automatically shut down for the rest of the month? I definitely don't want this to happen. What can I do? Thanks for your help!

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I already have package 2 and I'm wondering what will happen when I exceed the alloted bandwidth and what my options are. Will my site be automatically shut down for the rest of the month?


Your site will be suspended from viewing. But you can still access your site via FTP or cPanel. It's just that no one can see your site (and probably they will see "sorry but this site has reached the limit for this month" or something like that) until the reset of your bandwidth count following month. If you see yourself over the allowed bandwidth limit

1) make sure it is the good kind (if the server admin sees as something you should not be doing your account will be terminated)

2) OpaQue knows that no one really need more than what is provided but if you really do, contact him directly and address your issue.

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