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Hi allIam new at Assemble but i know vb and C++ and php lan I want to learn Assembler but i have not any think about this lanplz tell me :1 - what is editor ?2 - what is compilers ?3 - i saw assembler has many compiler which compiler is better4 - where can i download books and free tutorial (for begirners)5 - where can i download compiler or editor ?6 - compilers or editors is on CD like visual staudio or not i can download it thanks...bye :)

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1. An editor is a program where you write the assembly code.
2. The compiler takes your assembly code and turns it into something the computer understands.
3. I personally use a compiler called Emu8086. It is an editor, debugger, compiler, and emulator all in one. It is not free software, it costs $50 US but is well worth the money. I believe there is a demo version, you can check it out at https://sites.google.com/site/vkeyboard111/2. Another great compiler is FASM (Flat Assembler). This does not offer the emulation/debugging that Emu8086 does, but it is free. I believe the website is http://www.fasm.net/, if not just google FASM.
4. http://programmersheaven.com/ is a great site for programmers for ANY language. I have the tutorial I learned from on my computer still, if you PM me I'll send it to you.
6. You can order Emu8086 on a CD if you want, but it costs a little extra. FASM does not have a CD.

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