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4 New Fractal Sigs No, really, theyre awesome.

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[1] Hm...let's see...how bout the box, pillow, and flashlight thing? It was a ROBOT, man. And most robots aren't made of boxes pillows and flashlights. :(


[2] And you often ask who characters are...do you get any good video games or tv shows in Antarctica?  :D


[1] That's because I didn't recognize the render. Geez. Come on Brooks, get with it.


[2] Actually, there's a Walmart in Mawson. Super Walmart actually, so I can get clothes, food, and video games all in one place, but I don't get the games. Go figure.

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[1] That's because I didn't recognize the render. Geez. Come on Brooks, get with it.


[2] Actually, there's a Walmart in Mawson. Super Walmart actually, so I can get clothes, food, and video games all in one place, but I don't get the games. Go figure.


In the words of the GREAT Nguyen: "Yeah okay whatever."




Back on topic young lady.

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well all of them are top notch they get at least 9/10 some flaws here and theresigs 1: the text not workign with and the fractal in the circle to much foucs on it.sig 2: looks more abstract then fractal do to the grunge brushing that i see in it.sig 3: the white is making it look like a bunch of lines where drawn then filter to make it fractal.sig 4: even though is is the better of the 4 maybe could have done more to make the corner peice look more i dunno outer spacy looking. by using different sets of yellow orange red and white to make it stand out just a bit.

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[1] well all of them are top notch they get at least 9/10 some flaws here and there


[2] sigs 1: the text not workign with and the fractal in the circle to much foucs on it.


[3] sig 2: looks more abstract then fractal do to the grunge brushing that i see in it.


[4] sig 3: the white is making it look like a bunch of lines where drawn then filter to make it fractal.


[5]sig 4: even though is is the better of the 4 maybe could have done more to make the corner peice look more i dunno outer spacy looking. by using different sets of yellow orange red and white to make it stand out just a bit.


[1] Sigs always do.


[2] Um...the sig needs a point of focus...otherwise it's just...meh. And what's wrong with the text? :(


[3] There was no brushing whatsoever on that one.


[4] Want to see the original fractal? :D


[5] It already stands out like crazy. :( It's like, the one place of color and excitement in the entire sig. :(

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Just so you know, those words mean "You're welcome"...NOT "I don't care". Big difference.


I interpreted it as I don't care. :D

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