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Angry? How Do You Calm Yourself Down?

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you have to take yourself out of the environment that is making you angry or stressed. most people like to walk or run or excersize to get rid of the built up energy. some like to listen to music while others like to play video games to take their mind off the stress. also, keep a journal. everytime you get angry or stressed, write in your journal.

also, it's important to know where the anger or stress is coming from. if you already know, then please post about it so we can help you further.

the thing NOT to do is nothing and to just sit in your bedroom stuing over the b.s. because that really isn't a very good coping skill.

Hi, I have always had a bit of a temper to be honest, but I have never really lost it. Sometimes when I get really angry I can feel my self heating up inside, but I just walk off. The funny thing is that I never get angry outside of my home. In school or whatever it all goes over my head - it's only at home I easily get stressed. I was wondering how you guys calm down when you are really stressed. I personally will practice Karate or if not I will just go upstairs to my bedroom and look out the skylight at the views over my beautiful little town. How do you guys calm down? I've heard some really weird methods of calming down, all sorts of things so I was just wondering how you guys do it. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber.

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usually the pattern goes as follows:1. Walk away from the cause (slamming door depend on where I am)2. Get away from all interaction with other life forms (I find shouting helps, if you can get away with it)3. Go for a brisk walk for about 10 mins and if all that fails and I have internet access 4. Go online get onto a certain game and de-stress by the medium of killing virtual nasties, and complaining about the general day on the chat

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Anger is something which everyone is accustomed to and there is no way out of it. We find ourselves in some situation or the other and we feel really angered by what is going on next to us. Whether be it our own action or action by someone else, there happens some time or almost every time something that we're not happy about. Most of a us then blame the other person or the situation, and show our anger. whether be it some words somebody said about us or about our near ones or something which we said about someone and is not approved of. In our homes or outside or with our near ones or with strangers we find ourselves angered and losing our temper too soon. The worst it happens when we become so angry that we do not think what we have done, what we have understood and take action without even realising that this would detoriate the situation. And for that we ourselves are to be blamed. Have we ever considered ourselves keeping calm in situations where we have no control, and thinking on what next to be done? Most often no, we don't even bother to think that there can be a better solution to the situation we are in. The situation can be made better off by not losing our temper and even not showing our anger. When we see someone hurt we immediately laugh without even realising that the person hurt may be in distress and may need help. On the contrary when we are hurt and someone else makes fun of our situation, we show our anger. The natural policy of blaming other and thinking we are not responsible for the situation is one of the worst thing that we can ever imagine.I read in some place sometime back that to control your anger you need to take deep breath and think about some good experiences. Keep yourself happy at that very moment and think that everything is going to be fine. Sometimes believing that everything is fine also helps a great deal into improving our thought and controlling anger. In olden days yoga was practised to control the mind and body so that we can control our senses for the better. However in today's world where everything is so much under pressure and stress level being so high, it becomes really difficult to control our anger.In one of the incidents recently my friend had some dispute of with her husband about staying in her father's place. She wanted to stay in a Father's place for a few more days more than she would stay in her in-laws place. Her husband however insisted that she stayed in her in-laws place for more days and help her mother-in-law. Just because they did not agree with each other my friend was so angry that she did not stay in her in-laws place for even a single day. Her husband was also annoyed so much that they were about to go for a divorce case. It was her in-laws that made the matter to calm down and avoided divorce.In another instance one of my other friend was betrayed by her boyfriend. She was sure that it was because her boyfriend was seeing someone else and in her anger she lost her control to think what was right and what was wrong and eventually slept with an unknown person, being fully aware that her boyfriend noticed it. It just made us feel so stupid that on her part that she didn't even think of what the outcome could be. Sleeping with someone will totally ruined her relationship with her boyfriend irrespective of the fact whether her boyfriend was seeing someone else or not.

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