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Modem In Linux

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my modem not work in linux ?


plz help



as long as i know ... some of my friends wokr pefectly with linux ... but the problems came when they try to install a modem ... one of the one day explains me that is because the modem was a "WinModem" and that was the reason it didnt work with linux and there is no human force to make it work ...


also another friend post in a linux forum the problem of the modem and he received some help ... and some guys send him some drivers ... he passed a lot of weeks without internet connection ...


a suggestion ... i had the same problems some years ago with my modem and what i did was installing a etherhet pci card to connect to the internet ...

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Some WinModems work okay in linux with the correct drivers. Go to linmodems.org and see if the information there can help you. If yours is one of the unsupported WinModems, you're out of luck. Then your best bet is to spend a few bucks on an external modem.Cheers!Goldinero

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Some WinModems work okay in linux with the correct drivers.  Go to linmodems.org and see if the information there can help you.  If yours is one of the unsupported WinModems, you're out of luck.  Then your best bet is to spend a few bucks on an external modem.






thank's man

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why does my new trendnet external port serial232 modem not work with linux

Modem In Linux


I am beginning to get very frustrated with Linux. I have been working my *bottom* off in an attempt to break the windows habits and clean up the glass.


Unfortunately it doesn't really matter what distro you have "dial up" doesn't play well. I have broke down and bought an external 56k external Modem (TFM 560x)and still nothing. Kppp is configured. No it is not my chip sets. I have 5 computers not including my grandmothers dell and no luck. The problem I am facing is getting the modem to respond. I have searched every forum and available web page over the past 3 months looking for commands as this seems to be best for everything so far. But no luck. If anyone has an answer to my delema it would be nice. If not I am done with Linux. I can not afford high speed.


-reply by brett

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I am beginning to get very frustrated with Linux. I have been working my *bottom* off in an attempt to break the windows habits and clean up the glass.
Unfortunately it doesn't really matter what distro you have "dial up" doesn't play well.

I would highly recommend against using dial up in today's world. When there's an update, are you really going to wait 45 minutes for it to download? In Ubuntu's case, I get updates almost every day, most being over 15 mb. Also, did you post in your particular distro's forum to get help from the experienced members? Doing a Google search turns up a lot of guides about how to configure dial up modems, read a couple, but make sure they're for your distro.
Edited by dre (see edit history)

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