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Sw Battlefront 2 think its cool?

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This is suppost to b a rly awsome game i heard u can be jedi's in this one and theres more of a chararter selection *considers buying it* if anyone gets it for PC *if they will put it on pc but they should* I will battle ya

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The best thing I've seen about this game is the fact that you can fly around in space in your own little pod thing and do battle against the Sith or Rebels. The most impressive of these battles has got to be the movies I've seen with the battle over Corusant from Episode 3. You can also do barrel rolls and stuff. It just looks visually amazing.Not to mention playable heroes like from above and the missions with soldiers. I'm still unsure about whether I'll get it or not, though.

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I've had a look at this game a few days ago, looks sweet. Space battles are a cool idea, they add a little more depth. Apparantely there are now 6 playable classes + 17 jedis. You can only be jedi once every while so it's not too unfair. You can also use force powers, like Vader's Force Choke, when jedi. Add awsome graphics, and you've got a might gret sounding game. I'm probably gonna get it for Christmas,not sure if for PS2 or PC though.

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I just got the game, so here's my thoughts so far (I've only played the single-player campaign so far, but it shows a good range of things). Note that this is the PC versions:



-Graphics are a little better than the original, but the game still runs smoothly enough that I can still get 1280x1024 32 Bit High Detail with 4x Anti-Aliasing

-Darker mood overall is more appealing than the light, airy mood of the original Battlefront

-The guns seem to fire more realistically, and overall it comes off as smoother

-Vehicles are no longer the behemoths they once were; they now mainly provide support, and can still take out a great many enemies, but their lasers don't have a large area of effect and about 6 missiles can take out the CIS Tank Droid (long thing with a giant tread)

-Missiles from vehicles such as the Republican Fighter Tank do area or effect damage now and are finally more useful than the lasers, as they should be

-The jedi are cool, and the system for which you get them seems to be good as well

-When you have a weapon that can lock-on to something, if you press Q, you will lock-on to that target (in the orignal BF it auto-locked, which took longer and was more-easily broken)

-The new, wider range of vehicles and starcraft is cool and better-balanced

-Space levels



-Fighter controls are different and rather odd now, as A and D control your spin, while left or right with the mouse/joystick controls your rudder (reverse of Battlefront and Battlefield 2)

-Space combat is hectic

-Campaign levels can get rather confusing with what they want you to do even with yellow arrows


(To Be Continued... when I get more time, lol)

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Bad: (continued)

-Online servers are quite laggy; couple that with the fact that the game is extremely hectic (and as it is, you will barely know what's going on anyways, even for the most experienced FPS players it will be quite crazy and hard to keep track of)

-The ground vehicles are not so much affected by this (although they still are a bit), but they've gone in and implemented classes: (Scouts, Medium, Heavy Assault, Heavy Transport for vehicles; Scouts, Fighter, Bomber, and Transport for spacecraft). The problem is with the starfighters in that their weapon loads are all exactly the same (and somehow bombs sucuumb to gravity in space...). This means there are TIE Fighters going around shooting Proton Torpedoes... (for those that don't know, according to just about any SW source, TIEs have 2 laser cannons, and that is their only armament, no torpedoes)

-In Capture the Flag mode, if the computer gets the flag, they just run in circles firing at random enemies instead of returning it to base...



-Interface is totally new; confusing at first, and overall has too much clutter in one area, making it rather confusing even when you have it down well (especially painful when you are using a Jet Trooper)

-Special units now must be unlocked during the course of a battle (each time you play a battle, you will have to unlock the 2 special units by using the other 4 to kill enough enemies first)

-Space combat in general can be rather agravating; it seems to be a stepping stone that will either be fully capitalized on in Battlefront 3, an expansion, or a patch

-Massive number of locations, some using day and night

-Very dark theme to the game

-Lasers on vehicles may have been weakened too much as they have virtually no area of effect

-Vehicles can only be controlled in 3rd person (with the exception of starfighters)

-Control lay-out is odd, you have to either double-tap A or D, or press alt to roll instead of holding A or D and pressing spacebar

-Some will find the campaign interesting, others will get bored; it's basically your standard one-man-army game with a lot of allies that you can accidently shoot (your allies do little for you except occasionally distract enemies)

-Bothan Spy seems to be a little rigged (can't tell you how many times in the campaign one has just cloaked himself, snuck up behind me, and taken away 7/8 my health before I could do anything)


Overall, it's very different from the original Battlefront, and they seem to be trying to make it more like Battlefield 2 and less like a console FPS (you die with fewer shots now, which is more like Battlefield 2). I give it a rating of 7.5/10 at the moment due to some poorly thought-out controls, a confusing HUD, TIE Fighters with Proton Torpedoes, and the fact that battles get way too cazy at times (well, most of the time).


By the way, Jedi aren't too hard to kill actually. The hardest thing when confronting them is that they can sprint so quickly that there's nothing you can do (now, the flipside of that is they can sprint rather quickly and miss you, which is disastrous for them).

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Star Wars Battlefront 2. From what I can see is a really great game and in someways it's alot better than Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of The Sith. It has pretty much everyone in here. And in one of the game modes when you're fighting in the Jedi Temple and you are in a conquest mode and you have to make the other teams pads turn from red to blue. Sometimes you have to do 2 at a time then you get a message asking you.


Play As Emperor (Darth Sidious)?

You choose yes you then play as the Emperor for the rest of the game which I think is really cool.


But I wished they would allow duels in the game like they have in Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith. Then I think the game would have gotten a whole lot better. There's really no cool style the Jedi characters have, and they have only 2 force power moves which makes them somewhat less fun to use. I would like to play as a Jedi or a Sith Lord in there and be able to do everything the characters in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith has been able to do like throw objects or make blocking laser bolts easier. But I think it's mostly fun fighting in Space. Always alot of fun fighting in a Tie-fighter. :( So I think this game is fun and challenging things I just wished it was alot like the Revenge of the Sith game as far as Jedi are concerned. But I like it great game and I will continue to play this nice challenging game. :(

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