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China To Attack Usa A New World War?

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I hope that we get into a war with China, kick their butts worse than we did with the Jap's back in WWII, then after they start to cry and wave a white flag, we go in and take all the money we owe them back, so they are left destroyed, broke, and their cities are in shambles.


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Really is sad. If war ever comes people will look back and say how easy it would have been to prevent. All it would take to preserve the peace would enough(20 000 plus) high yield nukes.On mobile launchers. Purely retaliatory and deterrent - and purely defensive - and on USA soil. Sad sad sad.

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commentsChina To Attack Usa

What was that story that chairman Mao offered the USA a million women? Not a bad idea. American men would love it. American women are all mostly  awful anyway.Maybe we could trade California and Nevada to China for several million women. Just as long as the Chinese keep the Californians- most of them are flaky idiotic weirdos to say the least. Seriously, even smaller less powerful nations have humbled much greater nations when fighting foreign invaders. And the USA is not exactly a small non powerful nation. Not by a long shot. Not to mention our arsenal and army etc., there are at least 500 million guns in America. I'm not worried.

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TimelineChina To Attack Usa

The events to come will lead us to a new world destruction. 1 The collapse of the American dollar. The Chinese will let it go when they feel they can take us on to war and win. 2 Social unrest in America ie white people tired of companies giving jobs to Mexicans and foreign countries and starting a new republican image party to combat this. Democrats will be pissed and try to impose martial law in the name of equality. 3 Russia threaten Europe because of support of USA and NATO and our sanctions of 3rd world countries like Iran. 4 I mean damn can we just get it over with so we can rebuild and move on with our lives! Even if they knock the population down a couple of billion we will still be having sex, and repopulate so whats the fussing about anyway. Its Chinas fault we have so many people anyway. Stop buying Chinese!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif

-reply by worldspeaker


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we need to Love God and show people the love for jesus.China To Attack Usa

We do not need no more wars. What we need is Jesus and to have people walk in his light. There is to much hate. The reason the USA was powerfull is cause people prayed and Gave thanks to him. Now there is so many people who do not beleive in Jesus or the bible to walk in his ways. We can be brought down and destroyed unless we fight are battles on are knee's.

In Christ


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No other countries could even attack china and war on china could continue like on mexico and canada.China To Attack Usa

Absolutely no. What if philippines vietnam taiwan gets hit by nuclear look what will happen? if china attacks usa mexico and canada are going to attack them if it gets hit also. So I say no!

-reply by paul

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responseChina To Attack Usa


It is all part of that old story about Golitsyn and the final phase theory. According to this, the communists faked or accepted a collapse and are now gathering strength (as some sort of "neo-communists "??), along with the muslims perhaps, to destroy the USA in a WMD attack. Reportedly - the man in the white house is one of  "them" and is also some sort of "mole" who hates and wants to destroy America as well.The rumor is that the big attack on the USA is due in December 2012. Is it all true? I do not know. I hope that if it is  then the CIA and the military are not asleep at the wheel.They say Castro has publicly gloated about"what is going to happen to the USA at the end of the Obama years".Still - I do not know how our enemies are going to survive the counterstrike(if this is all true).Well  - if the man in the whitehouse comes to the end of  his term and nothing happens then it is all another Y2K deal. It makes no sense to attack someone with nukes if they are going to nuke you back(???).Crazy. Still - who knows -I take it with serious doubt, but I "keep my ear to the ground".

-reply by e walker

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Life sucks ...Better a big war takes place between country's like China where Arab, Islam, and terrorist country's support China and country like England, France and other european country's support US Russia against US and Germany against Russia...India will support US ...If all this happens it will be fun they will be forced to use nuclear weapons which will put an end to this world and end to the human life bloody greedy selfish irritating annoying etc etc animals on this earth...I would love to shoot few before I die...Haha 

-reply by JONNY

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China and warChina To Attack Usa

Actually the U.S has almost surrounded China by deploying it's forces in the Middle East...Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan... India has the power to push into China to support the U.S. Russia would have no other choice to side with Americans in an all out war. Other countries would also follow suite by fear of siding with the enemy?

If anyone, the U.S would gain most by declaring war on China...Just think of the U.S debt owed  them...What better way to take over the world by forcing China to capitulate and surrender it's mind boggling growth..

In the mist of the constant decline in American supremacy, a master planned  last surge for world control is not a far reaching idea in this less than reassuring times we all face as human beings..

America the great...Might turn out to be the catalist for the end of times as we know it...

Theory or Reality?

-reply by Marc

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I donChina To Attack Usa

Even though china has large army, but its doesn't mean US will be afraid. If china going to use nuclear weapon, US can do the same thing too. Always remember, china economic is going up, not their war experience.

-reply by SlightSeeker

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IntuitionChina To Attack Usa

As an ordinary citizen...We don't know what's is going on behind the curtains but I feel like there's a waiting game that will sooner or later be revealed.  Wars are happening everyday it's just a matter of time before another erupts and creates chaos.  Global warming?  Could it just be a facade so that it keeps our nations at peace and unifies us for the time being...The American or European mentality is to conquer and destroy while colonizing the land and transforming culture into their own..Now that the USA is slowly fading away into the background in comes a celebrated noble African American Barack Obama...But is he a scapegoat?  Have a minority president to show how gracious of a country the USA can be and we'll forget about its immoral past and tainted history.  I really don't know anymore...It's a scary thought tho 'cause what if war is inevitable?  We all want peace, love, and unity...But is it really possible?  What exactly is freedom anyway...I know for a fact it's not going to another country to destroy their community while stealing their resources...That's exactly why osama bin laden has to be found and lynched because what he did on 9/11 was unforgiveable.  I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing...I told Justin he's Superman, I'm Batman, and Chris can be Spidey and we gotta fly from Los Altos to NYC to save the people.  Haha.  It's just a scary thought of what might happen in the future, maybe not in my lifetime but it's definitely food for thought.

-reply by Boobie


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China would loseChina To Attack Usa

China simply may have lots of troops but they are in China. a nuclear exchange in which the US has a clear superiority would be a lose- lose anyway. China would lose its manufacturing capacity and be pummeled into the stone age.  The US would lose population, the world would become contaminated, and poverty and famine would see the course of history change badly.  Billions could die from direct and indirect consequences.  China should have tried diplomacy to have the treaty nullified with US-Taiwan.  I cant say it would be good for anyone.  China talks tough words, but they are Paper tiger.  They make poison foods to sell, poison toys,  and shoddy goods which they say the Amrericans should pay.  I think the Americans should tell china to go play in the street.  Watch out for the Cars!


This talk is foolish.


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Wow so many stupid people post online.  

To answer your question. Don't think the us is overhyped.  Ask the Japanesse.  What happened when they bombed pearl harbor.   if this is a war to the end.  the us will out build china by far.  many many more even with a 3.25 to 1 pop advantage.   The us could simply outbuild china with much better quality arms and give then to much better trained troops.  

 First thing really is that some military equip the usa has is down right crazy.  Apachie's alone have a 100000 to 1 kill to death ratio in combat.   that means 100000 kills for every one shot down.  now people are gonna say that this wrong but this is a conventonal war..  not a gurrilla war.  

Second there is nothing the chinesse could do to stop an american invasion.  Nothing. And theres is no way to invade the us.  Even if they did ask they russians why they never did.  Because there is 10 guns in the us for every person if not much more.  And if you thought that the people of iraq where bad.  the us in a gurrilla war would be horrific. Would you take control of a city of 2-15M with 100M weapons.  And the sad thing is that the people in the citys would prob have better training than the chiness army would.  or at least a good 20% of them.  

Third, It would be bloody.  alot of dead.  but mostly in china.  china has no anwer to 11 carrier groups sitting off there coast.  not to add allys.  

 That is where is gets hard to tell.  Because russia could get involved.  but it prob wouldnt because it has a boarder to the eu.  

Its at best a ww3 battle after than.  




Now assuming there are no nukes involved.  

Nato would be the one with the opening attacks and follow ww2 in a lot of ways.  

First would be who has the oil.  Its a mix between the 2.  US Canada have alot of oil more than enough for the way on there own soil.  So does china and russia.

Next would be the attack be targeted at.  China would try to invade Taiwan and would prob lose most if not all of there air force and navy vs taiwan alone not to add us, jap, and aus support.  Russia navy would prob have to choose who to fight.  the eu in the altantic or the us in the pacific.   And would prob go the atlanic route because of the invasion of russia from lol germany again.  Russias air force would prob get detroyed very fast from nato.  and not even russia can defend vs us raptors.  Raptors are really the key to an easy russian lose.  Russia cant kill them while they go about destroying and sam so other weapons can come in.  

So very early in the war nato has air sup over both russia and china.

So the next real attack happens over and and S Korea.  with China having no where to send there troops other than skorea.  

So the invaion on SKorea is prob the only route that china can hope to earn a victory.  Skorea would rape the north first though.  There would prob be a large us landing in NKorea also.  Witch would prob use a nuke, just because there crazy enough to.  and it might go to loljapan again.  and prob would get shot down out of luck.  There prob wouldnt be a responce if it don't detonate and might not even if there is one.  I'm sure us and russia both don't want to nuke each other and china prob would want to also.  russia would only if they thought the us was about to.  The war would prob end like this.

Russia Pushed back by nato in the north and china stoped in the east.  they would be calling for treatys at this point.  Prob in less than 3 months.  and less than 1 month in russia.  


200M+ dead in china, 150,000 US dead, Nkorea Dead,  500,000 Russian dead, 300,000 Eu dead total, 50,000 Skorea dead, 1000-3000 Japan Dead, 30,000 Taiwan dead.

Taiwan gains independance.  South Korean control over the North.  China would have to give up a lot of oil rights and give tibet independance.  

Other things that could happen.  To make it a real ww3 you have to add isr vs iran. 

Prob would be isr bombing or usa bombing iran with raptors then isr taking over.  other middle east contrys would get invovled also.  Syria Yes, Egypt no, Saudi No, Pak No, India vs china then pak mabey, 

So after all that.  Pakistan loses kasmeir iran is defeated in a slight victory, or major if they aid russia, its a mess.




People use nukes.  


In the end though everyone loses



-reply by Fiction

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China war with USA; meansChina To Attack Usa

China already has agents in the US of A.  The Chinese will not nuke the US of A.  They need the land to produce food.  But the chinese will kill every male in the USA.  Remember, China has an abundant of males.

The next time you go into a chinese Rest. Notice the wait staff.  Most act like military, not regular people.  Their agents are already here.

 The Russians and the Europeans will help the Chinese, then they will divide up our land.  

Well, that is what they think.  There are leaders in our Country at will lead us.  China, Russian, and the Europeans will fail.

 Before it is all over, the US of A will litterally control the entire world and it will not be the New World Order.  The Chinese will kill out those people when the war is underway.  Most of our National So Called Leaders will be gone.  The Chinese will take them out.

The US of A is blessed.  Our real leaders will come on scene when needed.  Again, the Chinese, the Russians, and the Europeans will fail at their attempt to take over the US of A.

-reply by John J Morales Sr.

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Reply to CerbChina To Attack Usa

 Silly move? China has 2x more troops than USA , and alot USA's troops are in afghanistan.

China would destroy them.  I've heard stuff about Iran , Russia and China invading USA.

I think if that happened Canada (me) and Mexico borders would touch eachother.

-reply by Max

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