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China To Attack Usa A New World War?

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I think its a realy realy bad idea for china and U.S.A. Too go into any conflict at all, nearly everything we have is made in china.

most of our clothes, toys, technoligy, etc.

if we go into conflict, china will have the upper hand because alot of our troops are in iraq at the time.

not saying that the U.S. Isnt powerful, we're a very powerful country, but china supply's us with nearly everything.

if we go into a nuclear war, all hell will rain down on earth, innocent countries will be destroyed and it will be as they call it "2012" but ahead of time. 

but honestly, if our troops werent away, we would own china.

but if we do beat them...We will become africa basicly, poor, no foor, no clothes, nothing too do, nowhere too work.

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i dont think soChina To Attack Usa

ha ha, no way man. America spends more on military then the next top ten countries (including china) combined. We are decades ahead of them. And while we do have alot of troops overseas, our reserves are vast and very powerful, not to mention the US Navy and Airforce are without question the most powerful in the world.

-reply by James


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China to Attack USAChina To Attack Usa

Even if the majority of our troops are deployed overseas and somehow the chinese invade our country, I'm pretty sure there will plenty of US citizens more than willing to show them our impressive force of civilian firearms. 2nd Amendment is there for a reason people. This is one of the reasons Hitler never invaded. Too many people over here are packing. 

-reply by Guest2010

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general observationChina To Attack Usa

deary, deary me,

  firstly the American citizens who have commented thus far have a great deal of faith in the military capabilities of a country which it would seem, and I'm only going on what I read, doesnt have a basic grasp of its own first language.  A language it inherited from a previous SUPER AMAZING UNSTOPPABLE but all in the name of good EMPIRE.

I'm not saying spending ridiculous amounts of money on training what are not far off monkeys to push buttons isnt ok as long as you spend enough its, just that the world has never been that simple.

China has always been both peaceful and powerful throughout history, the US going to war with China would be challenging, interesting and very difficult to call, all patriotism and ignorance aside, you could lose a number of things in a number of ways.

the real question is why you love a country which constantly undermines humanity for gain in this way in this day and age.

always the aggressor

I love the idea that all those gun swinging rednecks and crack heads with glocks protecting you though, thats beautiful, you guys are well safe, even from made up enemies, and there the worst kind 


come on you reds !

and I live in one of your so called allies.


-reply by world citizen

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