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Kezzie o_o

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*takes out his speech from his top pocket* hmm o_oWell, Hi!Im Keith, all my friends call me Kez, or Kezzie =DI come from the UK, live in the Cheshire region. Im 16 years old, turned 16 on the 28th of June gone. (had an awesome party =D, wasnt so great the day after though :P )My favourite hobbies include playing Everquest 2 on the Lucan D'Lere server(if anyone plays on that), talking on MSN to all of my friends who play Jedi Knight Academy (JKA).I own a server on JKA, an RP'ing server to be more precise. It had a rough start but is going excellent now. I like Star Wars (as you could probally guess) and im into all levels of music, yet the strong metal, death rock stuff just gives me a headache v.vMy favourite artists are1) Michelle Branch2) Alanis Morissette3) Natalie Imbruglia4) Avril Lavigne5) Evanescencethat type of music =) I recently started learning how to wrtie HTML, and i made a website (no URL at the moment) for my server on JKA. Erm.....thats basically the rough outlines of me.Want to know more dont be afraid to ask.Thanx and er.....speak to you all soon i hope-Kezzie

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Welcome Kezzie! I've already had a long chat with you in the shoutbox so there isn't much to cover! I hope you have fun here and, remember the most important rule! Don't spam! Here's some linkage to help you out here(I should start my own linkage club huh?) FAQ View Hosting credits (scroll down a tad) Request hosting! (10+ credits required) TOS Hope this helps :P Make sure you read the TOS. And once you have your ahosting application accepted, go to Proccess(activate hosting accnt) to active your hosting account. Welcome and have fun!

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Hi Kezzie,Welcome to the forums. There's lots of knowledgable people here about HTML/website coding who can help you with your site. If you have any questions just post them to the relevent forums & someone is sure to get back to you. The website hosting is really good with 99.9% uptime because of the great admins here. RGPHNX

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Hi, Kezzie, and welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your time here and take part whenever you can. There's a large variety of topics/threads and lots of interesting - and helpful - people in this community. Anyway, hope you enjoy posting on the forums. Abide by the rules and you're golden.See you later!

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