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Really Really Weird Time During Spanish Test Really freaky, I mean it

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I've seen this soughts of things before. I don't know what to think of them. Sometimes it's just a fluke and others it's dead weird. I knew someone that guessed 10 cards in a row and got them all correct, and then put his hand just above a clock and stopped it. I know it's dead weird but it's kind of cool. I know that after practicing martial arts you kind of become very finely tuned mentally. I don't know how you did that one though - maybe you have the power ... (lol) Thanks, Sean Webber (Alive)

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I always find stuff like this neat. For a while I practiced telekinesis. I got good enough that I could spin a disk on the end of a needle that was sealed under a glass globe. I could also dangle a string with a weight on the end from the top of the same glass globe, and make it begin to move in circles. I never got great at it, and I probably couldn't do it anymore, but it really is just a struggle to take hold of your mind. Knowing that you can do it is more than half of the battle.

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I once found a small test on the net that first asked you to do some math (for example 58+65=) and then asked you to think of a tool and a colour.The weird thing was that most of the people would say red hammer, so I tested it in my class at school. Most of them sad red hammer and the rest sad just hammer or a different color or red and another tool. That is freaky.. :unsure::P

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on the math one yeah i seen some weird stuff on that i seen some javascripts do that and i tell you i try to trick them by thinking of big numbers and yet some how it still works. well if you break it down its just simple math.but 99% time its just dumb luck, but weird either way :unsure: im thinking of a number solve this problem and thats your answer2x2/2+2-3x4+1x-1=

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