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Topic Subsciption Emails how many is one?

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I have signed up to revieve email notifications of all replys to my posts. And was wondering when it says

There may be more replies to this topic, but only 1 email is sent per board visit for each subscribed topic.

how many is '1', last time I checked 1 is 1 is one. But for some reason I get many more, for example:


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These emails all came in while my computer was off, and Iwas not online (meaning I didn't visit the form). I have been recieving many more then one emails for quite some time now, and it gets kinda annoying

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Here is how I set my email notification to topic/thread I want to be informed.


First, go into your control and disable (unclick) the email notification. I disabled this because it will subscribe me to each and every topic I reply.


Second, use Track this topic under the topic title and description. When you click on it, it will give 5 options to choose from: I find that Delayed emailed notification works for me.

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