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Blending A Render Into A Sig Adobe Photoshop Blending Technique

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Ah. Simple and sleek. Looks nice. Good job.


1. Open the Render, Put it on your sig over the background(mines black for the tut)And(make shore that its just the renderas Shown)

Sample:Posted Image


2.Now Click the render's layer and Make a Layer Mask As Shown

Sample:Posted Image


3.Now press d, Then Get you Brushes Out and select this brush As Shown

Sample:Posted Image


4.Brush Around the Render so the white pizelated parts are gone As Shown

Sample:Posted Image


5.Now You're Finished and it should look like this As Shown

Sample:Posted Image


If You want to add some Extra effects Duplicate the layer, Take the Layer Mask off the duplicated layer and Go to Filter>Blur>Guessian Blur After the 2nd layer is going outside the 1st layer and has a blury effect click OK and Then Delete the Inside of the Image so only the Blured Edges are showing

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I have no idea... must've carried over from when I clicked a Quote button on one of your posts. I made the bg black so it would be easier to see. If you look, around the edges... it's a lot smoother than the original render.

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yep, it doesn't have that little white line on the edges of the picture.Nice one, i'll surely use it.

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t oadd on to that you want to use the feather feature as well it is sometimes good some bad depends on the render it self and the brushes being used.

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Yup, yup, yup! If anyone uses this in a signature... post it here and I'll use it as an example of the technique. (My PS is broken :P )


What did you do to it? Sometimes, my photoshop wouldn't show the toolbars, so I just restarted it, and everything is fixed.

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