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hmmm this is a tough one but the one thing i did see is that you over smudge the smudge tool on the right side. hmmm i would have blended the render just a tad into the rest of background. font looks somewhat ok hard to read on the left side. mmmm now thinking about it maybe blur the image about 2-3 times to get rid of the rough edges around the edges. brushing looks ok but could be done more.

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Hm...don't think he used a smudge tool, but here's MY advice.The color is a little bland...I think the render would still fit nicely with a nice yellowish green tint thing? I dunno though...Don't really like the bg brushing...I'm sure it's not your fault, but the brushes you used aren't looking that great...maybe try Jashin's or Metal's.The render could be blended into the bg just a tad bit, but like I said before, the bg brushing doesn't look that great, so it might look a little funky.The text looks fine, pixel text pretty much always works, but I'm not too sure about the placement on this one. Maybe set them both of to the left corner there...Anyway, sorry if I sound like I'm tearing your sig apart here, just trying to give some advice. Keep it up though, you already have Saint Mike beat. :unsure:

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