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A - Z View On Life: Fill Yours Out Today! a way to get to know everyone better

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Okay, here's a list of nouns and what I think about each one. It's also the same list that's found on my site, so I'm putting it in quotes. Feel free to read through it.


Abortion: No, because every action has its consequences.


Afterlife: Not sure because I have no experience in this field.


Aliens: sadly, no


Alternate dimensions: no


Angels: Never seen one


Animal - favorite: Eagle


Architecture: don't care


Best Smells ever: food, doctor's office, airport


Black/White: no


Books: I need more reading.


Burial: whatever. Just keep my body in one piece.


Cereal: no


Children: yes, unless they're brats


Church: companionship, spirituality


Classic Rock: no


Classical composition: yes


Cloning: I think we can do it in a couple of years.


Color: green


Comics: Garfield; The Boondocks


Countries: Vietnam; US


Cursing: All right as long as you do it in front of the right person




Cremation: see burial


Crush: no one at the moment


Dancing: i can't dance; but necessary


Democrat vs. Republicans: Democrat


Destiny: sure, but doubtful


Dream Car: Lamborghini Diablo


Education: smaller classes, higher funded gifted program, no high stakes testing


Email: 2nd best idea ever


Evolution vs. creationism: creationism, although evolution seems more logical


Fashion styles: screw it


Fate: yes


Fiction vs. nonfiction: fiction


Food: Chicken


Foreign Language: vital; foreign languages I know: English, Vietnamese, some Spanish


Glasses: not really. maybe in class, but not normally.


God: yes


Hair care: see Fashion


High Stakes testing: Whoever thought of it should be shot


Ice Cream: chocolate chip; mint; yum


Internet: best idea ever


Jerusalem: I have no idea who should have it, most likely not any group; too bad it will always be fought over.


Letters (Snail Mail): don't do 'em anymore; love letters = sweet


Loneliness: experienced by all


Love: needed to live


Love at first sight: no. I believe you need to get to know the person first.


Marriage: if the couple love one another, then there should be no reason why they should not get married


Monster Movies: fun; better with girls because they lean on your shoulders


Month(s): End of May; June -July; half of August; last half of December;weekends  see a correlation?


Most Interesting/Funny/Horrifying Experiences ever: never had one


Movies: comedy


Music: rap


Musical Piracy: "Find it, don't buy it." - My piracy motto.


Nicknames: I have about 20.


Obesity: America is fat. Yeah, I said it.


Opinions: too much of them in language arts, otherwise, yes.


Orthodontia: I hate everyone in the profession. They say it's not going to hurt, but IT HURTS!


Patriot Act: an example of when the government gets too much power. did you know that the government can go into a library and request what you read all because of this act?


People I Hate: ignorant people; people who jumps to conclusions


Personality: needed for existence


Pets: yummy...just kidding; don't have any


Poetry: can't write nor understand them


Prayer: say them everyday at home except for church days with the family


President Bush: waste of a person


Profession: computer programmer or computer engineer


Rappers: Eminem, Lil Jon, Ludacris, Nas


Reincarnation: really cool if it's true, cooler if i come back as something/-one famous.


Republicans: People who says one thing at an earlier date, then completely changes it later on. Watch The Daily Show if you wanna know what I'm talking about.


Romantic Comedy: needed for sleep.


Science vs. religion: science


Silver/Gold: silver's a cooler color, gold = royal; silver = bling-bling.


Slavery: unacceptable


Slavery Reparations: funny, but no


Sleep: i don't get enough


Society: what society?


Soda: makes my cheeks sting


Soul mates: no


Suicide: I must admit, we all think about at some point or another, but horribly destructive to self and loved ones; "permanent solution to temporary problem"


Stem-cell research: yes


Television shows: comedies: The Simpsons; Whose Line is it Anyway?; Friends; The Daily Show with Jon Stewart


Terrorism: only one good thing comes out of it  they go to "paradise"


Ultimate Freedom: freedom from body: soul, mind, boundless


Valentine's Day: can be romantic, mostly stupid


Violent Television: as long as it doesn't happen in reality, then it's fine


Violent video games: yes; first person shooter - no


War on Iraq/Terror: okay, the WMDs were never found. why are we there?


X-rays: ones at the dentist - no; ones that see through clothes - hell yeah


Zodiac: Sagittarius

Done? Fill yours out, too! Remember to use quotes when doing so. Copy and paste the following into the reply box when replying:
[list][*] Abortion: blah blah[*] Afterlife: blah blah....[/list]

Have fun!!



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Well I'll try and fill this out the best I can...


Abortion: No.



Afterlife: No. If there was then not people wouldn't be unique.



Aliens: Yes. Tiny, microscopic creatures we can't see yet. Technology is not advanced enough to see them



Alternate dimensions: No.



Angels: Yes. You don't have to see to believe



Animal (favourite): Not sure.



Architecture: Don't care much for architecture, unless it looks impressive.



Best Smells Ever: Food when you're really, really hungry, Melting Chocolate. Hmmm don't think there's anymore. I'm sure I'll think of when I smell it :unsure:



Black/White: No. I like colours which when mixed create a powerful image.



Books: Books? I've read some books which kept me gripped.



Burial: Something big and proffesional. Your type of burial shows how much your children liked you lol



Cereal: Yes. Some are pretty crappy though.



Children: I'm a child so Yes.



Church: Don't quite get what I'm meant to put here.



Classic Rock: No



Classical composition: No



Cloning: Years? Nope 5 or 10 decades



(Favourite) Colour: They look awful and boring on their own. Mixed they can be powerful.



Comics: I read the Beano, once.



(Home) Countries: England



Cursing: Okay as long as it's not used excessively and pointlessly.



Creativity: I'm kinda creative. I've creative a few sigs recently. I hate sitting down with a pencil in my hand though.



Cremation: <See burial>



Crush: Nobody



Dancing: I can't dance and hope I'm never forced to learn



Democrat vs. Republicans: Democrat



Destiny: Uncertain



Dream Car: Don't have one, yet



Education: Less testing. Once every one and a three months for each subject is too much



Email: Grab hold of a few address and it's a way of spamming and giving viruses



Evolution vs. Creationism:  Creatonism



Fashion Styles: Fashion is for people who don't know what to wear



Fate: Yes



Fiction vs. Non-fiction: Fiction any day of the week.



(Favourite) Food: Like colours, food is great when combined together but on its own is boring.



Foreign Language:  I'm learning French at the moment and hope to carry it on and take German up for a G.S.C.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education)



Glasses: I had my eyes checked a while ago and it turns out I can properly passed 5ft. I have some which I rarely wear.



God: Yes



Hair care: It is washed.



High Stakes Testing: Huh?



Ice Cream: Vanilla, mint-choc chip and chocolate



Internet: Where would I be without it?



Jerusalem: Perhaps it should be split in two?



Letters (Snail Mail): On rare occasions



Loneliness: I've had it for nearly half my life. It's boring and should be stopped.



Love: Always result into hate



Love at first sight: <See love>



Marriage: There's nothing wrong with marrying if you love somebody else.



Monster Movies: Okay



(Favourite) Month(s): Any which doesn't involve me getting up at 8:00am to walk out the door.



Most Interesting/Funny/Horrifying Experiences ever: None.



Movies: No favourite types.



Music: Rap,, some r&b.



Musical Piracy: It you can get it cheaper than the other offer then take it. Free counts in this.



Nicknames: Too many to mention.



Obesity: There's nothing wrong with being slightly obese.



Opinions: "Don't say anything unless your absolutely sure everyone else feels the same way as you " -- Homer Simpson. Good piece of advice. Follow it.



Orthodontia: I've nether had any major operations in this field.



Patriot Act: Don't know what this is. Don't think we have one in the UK.



People I Hate: Loudmouths, people who can't accept they're wrong, people who are big-headed.



Personality: Shy until I get to know someone.



Pets: None



Poetry: Have written some. Don't like it much.



Prayer: Say one whenever something is making me feel sad. Say one when a prayer is answered.



President Bush: What do the election results tell you?



Profession: Student



Rappers: Eminem, 50 cent



Reincarnation: Don't wanna come back as an ant or tree.



Republicans: <No opinion>



Romantic Comedy: If you want to make life feel long you know what to watch



Science vs. religion: The theories scientists are drawing up and becoming closer and closer to what the bible says.



Silver/Gold: Silver.



Slavery: Maybe people would want to ban it yet they wear brands which encourage it.



Slavery Reparations: No.



Sleep: I like sleep. An excuse to do nothing.



Society: Tearing apart as you read this.



Soda: Tastes great



Soul mates: No



Suicide: I thought about this once. Did I commit it?



Stem-cell research: Yes



Television shows: Anything which makes me laugh. I think we should stick the "reality rubbish" where the s*n don't shine.



Terrorism: Against it. It cannot be stopped.



Ultimate Freedom: One with no boundaries



Valentine's Day: An excuse for shops to make money



Violent Television: Copied by idiots.



Violent video games: Copied by idiots.



War on Iraq/Terror: A better excuse next time.



X-rays: Yes.



Zodiac: I don't know but my star sign's leo.


Well there it is. Someone elses turn...

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[list]Abortion: No, as it says in Hebrews 7:9-10 we're human and responsible as such even before leaving our father's bodies.Afterlife:  Definitely, we'll all spend eternity in one of 2 places, the new Heavens and the new earth God will create after this is destroyed, or a place the Bible calls "The Lake of Fire"Aliens:  I suppose what the Bible calls cherubim, seraphim, angels, and some of the creatures in Revelation and Daniel might be what some having seen think aliens.Alternate dimensions:  I believe God walks through time like we walk through water, one day with him is as 1000 years and vice versa.Angels:  Of course.Animal - favorite:  LambArchitecture:  The one temple I really care about is that of the believer's body indwelt by the Holy Spirit, since God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands.Best Smells ever:  Probably the sweet savour God smells from a sacrifice well offered.Black/White:  I think the Bible sets everything forth as black and white, although there are a few things pertaining to prophecies that are unclear...  but that's not what this question meant, is it?    Gotta be more specific then that :DBooks:  The Bible is the best, I like stuff by Josh McDowell ("More Than A Carpenter" is awesome) and C.S. Lewis too, just read something called "The Cure of Souls" by Oswald Chambers, pretty good.Burial:  Take out whatever organs are needed, do whatever you want with the body, my hope isn't in this world.Cereal:  Anything crunchy that doesn't involve chocolate flavoring, stuff with fruits or natural stuff is pretty good too.Children:  The only way we get to Heaven is as little children, too bad kids these days lose the innocence and other qualities that once charachterized them as such so much more quickly.Church:  Ah, the universal body of believers.  Oh, you mean which one I go to?  Morningstar Community Church Classic Rock:  Boston has some good songs, lot of good classic rock songs out there.Classical composition:  Classical Music?      It's okay, not my choice of music though.Cloning:  Just say no.  Ironic that so many kill their natural-born children and so many are in orphanages and here they're trying to make more through unnatural means.Color:  Green, especially a rich slightly dark forest type of green.  Cerulean blue would be a 2nd choice.Comics: Frazz, Dilbert, Boondocks, Brewster Rockit, In The BleachersCountries:  I'm just a citizen of Heaven passing through.Cursing:  Bless and curse not.  And as far as profanity, I don't like that either.Creativity:  Like writing poems, helped people write songs before, invented a new math formulaCremation:  Don't care one way or the otherCrush:  The pop's not too bad... but I don't really like popDancing:  Don't dance, haven't danced, don't plan on it eitherDemocrat vs. Republicans:  I'm kind of an anti-democrat, anti-republican voter...  I side more with the republican's stances but it seems that's all they really are, stances... and the republicans are too warfaring... but the democrats are worse because they support abortion...  Me, I voted PeroutkaDestiny:  HeavenDream Car:  Car that doesn't need to use gas so I don't have to worry about the gas prices anymore.Education:  Majoring in computer programming so far, graduated high school a few years back.Email:  jzyehoshua1@yahoo.comEvolution vs. creationism:  Creationism, evolution should really be said macroevolution, and is not completely unproveable, but completely illogical, and violates the Law of BiogenesisFashion styles:  Khakis and shirts with sayings that make people think, Bible verse shirts are nice tooFate:  Child of God, redeemed among men, one who has found mercy through faith in Jesus Christ... should I go on?Fiction vs. nonfiction:  Nonfiction, as long as it reveals truthFood:  Living water, Bread of LifeForeign Language:  Messed around with learning spanish, Greek, and Hebrew alphabets, don't know languages thoughGlasses:  Wear them but eyesight is borderline good enough to drive with legally, so I wear them when I feel like it.  Like wearing them though because it's the difference between slightly bad eyesight and having eagle eyes.God:  dwells in me as His templeHair care:  High Stakes testing:  Don't know much about it, doesn't look too good though.Ice Cream:  Mint Chocolate Chip is about all I likeInternet:  It's got it's good aspects and bad...Jerusalem:  Well, the new Jerusalem isn't on earth yet but when it is it will be da bomb :DLetters (Snail Mail):  As in postal mail?  What about it?Loneliness:  Good to know now that God is always beside me and will never leave me nor forsake meLove:  see GodLove at first sight:  I think it can happen, but is very, very rareMarriage:  It's good, and all sex or even lusting after people you're not married to is adultery and worthy of death.  Just one more reason we all, the whole world, is guilty of death.Monster Movies:  Umm...  Not a big movie watcherMonth(s):  August is my favorite, any time during the summer is awesome thoughMost Interesting/Funny/Horrifying Experiences ever:  Hmm...  Horrifying:  Seeing pictures on aborted childrenFunny:  Recently some spammers on a yahoo games message board were posting ads and I put one of my own, "Are You A Yahoo Games Board Spammer?  Sick Of Being Made Fun Of For Bad Grammar? 

Interesting:  Saw a video called Hell's Best Kept Secret recently that was pretty interesting.Movies:  Time Changer, "Hell's Best Kept Secret" (viewable online at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;  Arena Rock is good, hymns are awesome, I have a ton of music I like from just about any given genre though, so...Musical Piracy:  Who needs piracy when there's StationRipper which is 100% legal?  Nicknames:  Everyone pretty much just calls me Joshua...  Or Zambrano... first name or last :DObesity:  Half the world eats too much, the other half doesn't eat enough.  I think I may see a society morality problem here.Opinions:  Good as long as they don't insult or put down others without doing anything else, and as long as you can keep an open mind while maintaining what you think.Orthodontia:  Umm... tooth care is good.Patriot Act:  Don't even get me started on the coming of the Antichrist and Armageddon.People I Hate:  I don't "hate" anyone, people who close their minds and use charachter assassination alone to defend their beliefs annoy me however.Personality:  Umm... yeah, I've got one.  Don't you?  Well, you can't have mine :DPets:  Shelties are awesome, cats, collies, horses, and irish setters are cool too.Poetry:  My poem "Freedom" (posted on the site) took 1st place for the state and I was one of the semifinalists recently for poetry.com's contest with my poem "The Pitcher"Prayer:  is awesome.President Bush:  I was very disappointed last election when him and Kerry failed to get themselves marooned on desert islands before the election.Profession:  Was a clerk for the Census Bureau last summer, working on a job this summer, am majoring in computer programming.Rappers:  should be outlawed, with the exception of Akon and the guy who does the "Baby Got Book" video.Reincarnation:  The Bible says it's appointed to man once to die (Hebrews 9:27), but in the case of animals in Ecclesiastes 3:21 it speaks of the spirits of animals as going back to the earth, so maybe reincarnation for them happens *shrugs*Republicans:  Got a couple good stances on abortion but are completely off the mark with war and giving to the rich.Romantic Comedy:  Is there such a thing?  :DScience vs. religion:  See Acts 17:11 if you think the Bible supports blind faith.  Science is simply truth, like the Bible.Silver/Gold:  Umm...  I guess they look nice... *shrugs*Slavery:  Just say no.Slavery Reparations:  If you want to make them shouldn't it be specific people who have to make them?  Might as well make reparations to the Native Americans if you want to try to follow complete justice...  That's it!  Everyone in North America get out!Sleep:  Ahhh... sleep's cool I guess :DSociety:  is in trouble.Soda:  Prefer water, milk, or fruit juiceSoul mates:  definitely.Suicide:  The recourse of a soul without hope.  And a person without Christ is in that dilemma.Stem-cell research:  It's great!  Except Embryonic, which is murder.Television shows: comedies:  Not a big tv show watcher.Terrorism:  Only God has the right to take life according to the Law, since only He is without sin, as Christ said, there is none good but one, God.  Otherwise we fall into the danger of the Pharisees, of casting stones when we ourselves have sin.  Vengeance is God's, not ours.Ultimate Freedom:  Jesus Christ.Valentine's Day:  Seems kind of a typical Catholic holiday, focus on buying stuff and physical stuff, don't think about God.  Violent Television:  What's the point of it?  Just symbolic of our society's decline?Violent video games:  See violent tv.War on Iraq/Terror:  Even if there WERE WOMD (which apparently there weren't) I don't know that we should have gone in there.  Figures that our nation thinks a president lying to the country is ok...X-rays:  *shrugs*Zodiac:  Nebuchadnezzar had some astrologers and magicians and wise men, but it didn't help them.  What good is astrology?[/list]
[NOTE note=Becca] You kinda didn't open not properly it in the first place.!
Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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Sorry Becca, noticed afterward I'd missed the [ mark for the first code thing so it didn't put it in the right format... Just one more instance of why I miss an "edit post" option :unsure: And I'm sure this won't be the first time I'll have that regret either.

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Fun stuff, let's see...

Abortion: Yes, but only for required circumstances like illness or whatever
Afterlife: I think so, stories go through my family about it, and I know people who have had NDE's

Aliens: Nope

Alternate dimensions: Nah

Angels: Sure

Animal - favorite: Cats, especially tigers =P

Architecture: What about it?

Best Smells ever: Swiss White Chocolate, Swiss Cologne

Black/White: No

Books: Good, adventurous, history novels

Burial: Yeah, sure

Cereal: Absolutely, Cheerios all the way!

Children: Sometimes :D

Church: Don't go

Classic Rock: Ehh...

Classical composition: Sure

Cloning: I think we can do without it

Color: Green

Comics: Garfield; The Boondocks

Countries: Germany, Switzerland, UK

Cursing: No thanks

Creativity: I think I've got some :D

Cremation: No thanks

Crush: Yes :D

Dancing: I like it, sometimes, but I'm not very good :)

Democrat vs. Republicans: Whichever is better? You decide...

Destiny: Maybe

Dream Car: A really cool, snazzy, souped up... Bicycle!

Education: They need smaller classes, stricter teachers, and more discipline!

Email: It's great, genius, love it. If you have a good Email client, anyways!

Evolution vs. creationism: I like a bit of both, can I do that? :)

Fashion styles: Who cares?

Fate: Sure

Fiction vs. nonfiction: Non-fiction

Food: Peanut butter - goes with everything :)

Foreign Language: I love foreign languages, I currently know six B)

Glasses: Used to have some

God: Yeah, sure

Hair care: I hardly have any hair... I shaved it for cancer, don't ask me about hair care!

High Stakes testing: Huh?

Ice Cream: Mmm... Vanilla... Mint chocolate chip... Mmm...

Internet: Love it, I'm addicted :D

Jerusalem: No one should get it, let it be on it's own! Declare it a country! Give it independance!

Letters (Snail Mail): I like Snail Mail :P

Loneliness: Everyone gets lonely sometimes, especially when someone they love dies

Love: Everyone loves someone

Love at first sight: Nah, you need to know the person

Marriage: Go get married, just don't waste it. I don't know if I will.

Monster Movies: Monsters Inc :D

Month(s): September and February, oh and December

Most Interesting/Funny/Horrifying Experiences ever: Too many to explain here :P

Movies: Adventure / Action - Tomb Raider :D

Music: Rock, but not heavy/hard, popish stuff...

Musical Piracy: Well... I'll buy from the artists I REALLY like :P

Nicknames: I have a few

Obesity: It's at a gross level these days

Opinions: Opinions are good, most of the time... :P

Orthodontia: Never been to an orthodontist... But I here they lie :P

Patriot Act: What is it?...

People I Hate: Very racist people, and those who act but don't think

Personality: Well... I don't know about mine, you tell me! But everyone has personality

Pets: I have a snail :D Had a cat too, gave him to the neighbours, he still loves me more :P

Poetry: I like it, most of the time

Prayer: I don't really pray

President Bush: Please don't re-elect him again

Profession: Student, for now

Rappers: None, really... Not against them, though

Reincarnation: It'd be cool

Republicans: I'm not one

Romantic Comedy: No thanks

Science vs. religion: Science

Silver/Gold: They both look cool, I guess...

Slavery: I'm against it

Slavery Reparations: ?

Sleep: Sleep's good :D

Society: Umm...

Soda: Nope

Soul mates: Uhh...

Suicide: Please don't

Stem-cell research: Sure, yeah

Television shows: None

Terrorism: Nope

Ultimate Freedom: I don't know...

Valentine's Day: Bleh

Violent Television: Nah

Violent video games: Well, they're fun... :unsure:

War on Iraq/Terror: Get out, America

X-rays: One on my arm and a few at the dentist

Zodiac: Pisces

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