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Illiterate Hackers? Are hackers becoming illiterate?

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Have to say that I'm not really that big of a fan on 'leet' speak, although the occasional 'leet' picture of everyday things (eg a Bus with the fleet number of 1337) might be amusing at first, but get used to it pretty quickly. Some kids may consider it 'cool', but also combine 1337 speak with SMS speak as well. But have to laugh if one is intelligent and the other is pretty dumb as the example lilemi illustrated in their post.

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From the guys I've seen on BBSs and underground (Not really) h4xXing sites; there is alot of misuse of capitalizations. People, including the system operators there start all their sentences without capitalizing. I'm sure this has been happening since the ninties. As soon as a person is introduced to a computer and needs to type faster than possible they develop this habit, and as no one si there to tell them off seeing as most are doing it; they continue to learn with this pigeon english styled leet speak.

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