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Ps2 Slim Watt?

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I have the new ps2 (the slim one) and i'm travelling over seas, so i bought a power adapter which converts the euro 220/240 V to 110/120 V so i can play my ps2 while i'm vacationing but the problem is the adapter can handle only a maximum of 50 watts and i need to know what the ps2 wattage is so i don't mess it up. I've checked on the ps2 and on the original packaging but i didn't find anything anyone know what the ps2 (slim) watt is?

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If you look on the back or base of the PS2 there should be a sticker with the information on it, such as operating voltage, frequency and loads of other stuff related to the power supply. One will say the wattage or power rating. This is the number you need. Some items, such as toasters and kettles can be over 2000W, so be careful what you plug in. I don't own a slim PS2 but I will try to find out the wattage for you.If it helps, a standard PS2 has a power rating of exactly 50W.

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yeh you have to be careful because once I plug in something and it wasn't the right wattage and it like sent sparks. I was freak out i had to get a wooden stick and take the plug out. lol.

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