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"tell Us About Yourself" What do you say?

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It's the first day of school and the teacher decides to go around the class and ask each student to tell the class about themselves...


I really hate this because I never have anything to say. I mean, what exactly do you say? Do you talk about your interests? Tell about your hobbies? I mean, half the time, the crap that spews out of your mouth, people don't care unless it's unique and really different. But most of the time, when people do 'tell the class about themselves', it's all like, "I like to read. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. I have 2 parents. I like long walks on the beach and I love to swim." That's...it. I've never really known what to say and when you try to say something similar to your teacher, they're standing up there, saying things like, "Oh, when I was in highschool, I won 2 basketball championships, I went to Harvard University, I have a loving wife, 10 kids, a manor on so and so road, a beach house over there [insert more achievements and awards], etc" and when you try to 'copy' what they say...you can't. I get the feeling like I haven't lived long enough to really say anything since I haven't any achievements or awards or whatever. I'm just sort of...there.


It's like, there are a lot of things I've done...but nothing to merit someone to care, you know?


So my question to you guys is, what do you say when you are asked to tell the class (or group of people, depending on the situation) about yourself?

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I don't remember a class where we were asked who we were, what we enjoyed, what we did, etc. Or at least I don't remember that ever happening in High School. Maybe in Elementary school, but I don't really remember my Elementary school years anymore. I guess I would say that I'm a pretty neutral kind of guy - I like sports, hanging out with friends, sketching, listening to classic rock, and maybe what I've achieved in the past. Maybe I wouldn't. You're right in a sense - what kid really cares what some other kid in the class likes to do? If it's a group of people in general? I'd say I'm just a casual kind of guy. I like listening to classic rock, hanging out with friends, sketching, whatever. Or I might just sum myself in one sentence - unique. :rolleyes: Well, that's my "two cents".

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Yep, nobody cares. That's life. We all deal with it and I tell you anyway because that's the topic. QOD means Queen of Darkness. The nickname came to me the summer before I entered highschool and it's stuck ever since. I like art, any art, there are many arts. I like many things. The end. :unsure:

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Well, It's not so much that people don't care...What I meant to say was that, everyone tends to say some of the same things, you know? It's not uncaring that's the problem, it's the uninteresting part that's the problem.Like, if someone said they like to skydive while playing soccer with another skydiver(not possible...), then I'd care because it's interesting.Whereas if someone said they like to read, then I don't care because it's not interesting. >_>;

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Well some people afraid to say something about themselves, maybe they're just scared or just having scary teachers why some of his/her student can't say anything.. he he he...Me, I like to do funny things and bring happiness to all my crazy friends... I like to play basketball, valleyball, swimming, and cutting classes... Oh.. aside from that I like cheating also....that what I've said when my teacher asked my when I was in high school... and my classmate almost cried for joy.... I don't want to do this to dishonored my teacher but when times comes when everythings goes serious, you must do something to make things okay...:unsure:

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Well once I was at a youth group meeting that I didn't want to be there at all. They were a whole bunch of goody-goodies that really annoyed me. I called my parents in the middle of it and asked them to pick me up, but before I left they asked that question..my reply was something like this:Well, my name Is Chris Wilson and I'm a necropheliac. I plan to commit genocide on all animals and Mexicans, and then ***** them all. I had two brothers and a sister but all three of them disapeared once crazy Halloween night. A man tried to kidnap us, but I ran away and let him capture my siblings. After that I got cut off, and then I left because my dad was there to save the day.What I would normally say if someone asked me would be:I have two brothers and a sister, my sister is 4, and my brothers are 17 and 6. I run varsitiy cross country and track, and I sit at my computer all day. There's not much else to say, so tell me about you.

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Hmmm, I know what you mean, I never know what to say either. I mean, how do you know what they want to hear? Do they want to hear our achievements, or is that just bragging?I usually just say,"Hi, I'm Dan, I was born in Brazil and came to Australia when I was 7."That's all.All the times I've been asked to introduce myself haven't exactly needed any longer responses than that.

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I know what you mean man, it's the same in the UK. When your teacher asks you, or when your asks to by an employee or by an internet service what do you say? I just say that my name is Sean Webber and that I like to keep healthy and fit and that I practice a couple of martial arts, anything else would sort of be showing off I suppose, if you don't say anything then you appear to be a loner.
It's just one of the orquid questions. Thanks for you time, Sean Webber (Alive).

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o_O Orquid? Yeah, I always end up just saying my name and then saying stuff like, ".....that's it." >_> It's lame. I wish my life was more interesting anyways...I don't tend to like to spill out my achievements and awards (simply because I have none :unsure:) because it's, like what some people said, it seems too much like bragging...and no one wants to be friends with a bragger. :/ Maybe I'll go do something exciting and then I can add that to my list of "about me" crap. blagh.

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Oh god I haven't done that for ages. Except I like standing infront of a large audience and speaking. I like speaking in public, speaking in classes and reading and stuff. I'm just your basic nonstoppable annoying chattabox .But I remember when I started my primary school halfway through the year and the teacher was like this is becky...I just stood there and cried, I was only like 4 or 5. lol.But now I guess I'll just probably say. Hi I'm Becky I like to burp and fart and I'm more rougher than a guy.. no wait...I'd probably say something the teachers want to hear..(and lie a little)"Hi I'm Becky I've just moved over from London and I am looking foward to making new friends and the extra curriculam classes. I can't wait for art as I love drawing and creativity. I only live with my mum and blah blah blah"

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I've always just thrown out the best answers I could think of to such questions, if people find them insufficient, well, then that's their problem. Me, I'll just keep going on with my business and if they aren't impressed with my answers, tough :unsure:I haven't thought much on it, but I think people actually admire those who act without worry of what others think. When you speak honestly to the best of your ability so that you feel good about what you said at any given later time and can account for it to ANYONE with a good conscience, and don't care how others react to that... I think it has an impact on people. I'm not going to think too much on it though precisely because I don't really care one way or the other on the subject, although you can think further on it if you wish. :PMaybe I've said something here that will prove beneficial to someone, as is ever my wish.

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Except I like standing infront of a large audience and speaking. I like speaking in public, speaking in classes and reading and stuff. I'm just your basic nonstoppable annoying chattabox .


Ooo... that's so like what I was going to say. I love talking, even if that amounts to nonsensical chatter most of the time. I haven't been labelled a yapper yet - most people seem to tolerate me fairly well, but that probably implies their brilliance, not mine :D


We had a class last week (if it's relevant, I am in college, doing my second year of a bachelors course, and I am seventeen) when we did the introductory chatter. I went up first, alloted a time of 2 mins, but I went on for twenty-five. Then the lecturer clear'd her throad ever so mildly and I went o-o-kay, I think I should stop here :D


What did I talk about? General nonsense; my tastes in academics, literature, cinema and general hobbies. Who I am (included being someone who enjoys bugging the hell out of everyone within a 5-meter radius by talking about ideas she has about a problem in calculus / a new poem / a new website, lol), and what I enjoy doing. Although I know no one cares in particular, it does not matter to me very much. I love listening to what other people have to say, and I usually get an audience in return, hehe.


Of course, I must mention, in all honesty, that I usually end up making a complete fool of myself. But then, I have developed a somewhat thick skin, and I'm so used to making a fool of myself by now that I couldn't care less, lol. At least someone's getting entertained in the bargain :P


But I do agree, fundamentally, it is not easy to talk about yourself. When I was doing the 'about me' page on my site, I had to spend an entire hour framing it... It ended up being the sort of information no one wants to be informed about, fairly pointless (AND not to mention uninteresting). (Hey, even JK Rowling thought, while conceiving HP, who'd be interested in this kid? Ok, now don't ask me why I mentioned that, I don't quite know... :unsure::D )


What I meant to say was that, everyone tends to say some of the same things, you know? It's not uncaring that's the problem, it's the uninteresting part that's the problem.

I know what you mean, and for whatever it's worth, I agree :P And ***looks around*** maybe I should stop here, lol...

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jzyehoshua, I think you're right. We shouldn't care what other people think because it's about you, not what other people think. I think(Used too many times..) that people are out there to impress because first impressions are a big deal. You don't wanna start off really bad. But maybe in your view, it's the confidence that makes the first impression huh? :unsure:mama_soup, I actually read all of that. Amazing, eh? I think I really learned something from you. I mean, when people ask me what I like to do, I always think they're expecting to hear something like, "I play soccer, I love football" or something along those lines. But I always think of myself as an uninteresting and just a bland person overall. I don't think it's ever been my interests that has caught anyone's attention, but moreso my idiotic personality. But that's the thing with this whole introductory thing...I don't think you can really spell out YOU as an individual in one little thing. People change and that takes time. It's not like one of those dating shows where you have one day to impress someone. >_> But hey, I don't know. I do like your whole, telling people about your tastes in literature or music or whatever. That's a nice way to go about it. I suppose it's easier to find someone who has the same interests that way =)

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well for me im not much of a people person i would talk about my family a bit and thats about it.i wouldn't go to the extreme saying that when i was 5 i started burning houses down and or something crazy like that. but if i knew the person well i would joke around with them with stuff like that. but some good points have been made who cares what people think, me i wouldn't try to lie my way saying i did this i met this person i save 700 hundred children from a burning house and what not.best thing to do is talk about what your really good at , think of it as a job interview.

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