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Linux Top Packages/sources/websites

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Here i want to discuss some of the free softwares/services,that may linux or BSD users forgotten,Or anyone who is interestd in Linux.


OpenOffice.org: This is a free replacement for Microsoft Office under development by programmers throughout the world.
Notice from BuffaloHELP:
Please take note that You can make Free PDF with this software,no other winows software allow you to do that.This package is growing and being more strong day by day.Now every distro offers Openoffice.org package in it.


KStars:-Kstars is ultimate planeterium based software.allows user to view the positions of stars from any location of earth.You can even learn about stras and other astronomical objects in Astroinfo.Astroinfo is built inside Kstars.Excellent piece of software.You can download from https://www.kde.org/


Kdevelop:-Most of the time newbie developer including me are interested in developing application for the KDE.Nobody knows how to start ifthey are not coonected to internet.I learned most of the QT programming thru deigner Kit's help book.This is good software if you want create apps for famous Desktop manager KDE.Most of the windows IDE's are not free.VB.net studio is expensive but incase of linux you dont need to pay for making application.Most of the Distros ignore ths package.(e.g.SimplyMepis,Mendrake ).If anyone in this forum is close to these distros pls ask them to include this package into their distro.Developers can downlaod this package from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. If anybody is into this please let me know.


Samba: This package allows free operating systems to act as file servers for computers running various versions of Microsoft Windows. It has shown itself to be faster and more secure for this purpose than current Windows server products. The website for this project is https://www.samba.org/.
Notice from BuffaloHELP:
I don't think anyone interested in it but Xserver is good piece of software that allows you to run windows application into Linux.Samba is useless for the OFF-line users.Where 69%of the computer users are not connected to internet.


Debian GNU/Linux: This is a complete free operating system for modern computers. It requires a minimum 80386 processor with 16MB memory. It has, at last count, over 8000 free software packages available for immediate installation. For more details, consult the Debian website at http://www.debian.org/.
Notice from BuffaloHELP:


There are many websites that provides Technical support/Talk on Linux Operating system,Some of the websites are as follows


1.JustLinux:-This site provides help for linux OS,at http://forums.justlinux.com/forum.php


2.Forums:- https://www.pcmech.com/ or http://www.protonic.com/ provides Tech support for Linux.


3.Tech support alert:-You can search for teh best technical support services listed in this site.You can acess this site by http://www.techsupportalert.com/


3.Promote-Open-Source :-http://promote-opensource.org/ team of goood admins,a place to hangout for all those who work hard to promote Open source.


4. Developer:-If you are into coding side and want to explore more then you can ask your questions,Help others at forum

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ site for Newbies in C/C++ and PHP.


5.KDE-apss:- If you use KDE so much then you can understand there are lot of softwares for you.You can look at


There is lot more i want to write at but i really tired right now.I will add more information soon.

More stuff Later.....


Notice from BuffaloHELP:
You know better to enter
tags! I am checking on your other posts.
Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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Hi mahesh2k & all,Nice post.Just in case you'all might think that linux software is somehow less etc..here's some thoughts to consider.In 2004 the Spanish federal gov't threw out ALL Microsoft products & installed Open Office on ALL their computers nationwide.Wonder how many others will follow ?RGPHNX

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