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Free Energy Device Replicated By French Researcher Using hydrogen fuel in a closed system

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Hi guys,

????[/tab]The desperate hunt for alternative energy sources has been on ever since our geolists figured out how grim a situation we're headng for once we exhaust our supply of fossil fuel (which is estimated to be soon - and we'll see the first signs of it within the next 25 years). Amid this grim scenario, this little innovation might provide us with the much sought after ray of hope - an inexhaustible source of energy which is so efficient that it can produce upto 1000 times the energy contained in fuel.


????Jean-Louis Naudin - an independent researcher from France has successfully replicated a device originally proposed to produce free energy from hydrogen about 70 years ago. A working model of this device was recently pioneered in Russia by Nicholas Moller in conjunction with Alexander V. Frolov of Faraday Lab Ltd. at St. Petersburg, Russia in January 2003. It's commonly termed as the "Moller/Frolov Atomic Hydrogen Generator" or MAGH. The idea of this device first arose out of Nobel Laureatte Irving Langmuir's brilliant research on gases at high energy.


????The underlying concept involves dissociating molecular hydrogen (H2) into its atomic form (H) and re-combining the atoms back to their molecular form again. The energy given up during the dissociation process can be easily tapped. This whole process is run in a so-called "closed system" which means - the hydrogen is never lost, ie. we DONT BURN UP the fuel at all. The same fuel can be used over and over again - unlimited number of times. Free energy is always gained, but hydrogen never lost out on. Besides, hydrogen fuel is considered to be absolutely clean and safe and doesnt have any impact on the environment whatsoever.


[tab]This technology is still in the nascent stage - although from what has been done so far, the commercial implications are humongous - as well as it's impact in our daily lives. It'll radically change the energy market and more than satisfy our "hunger" :lol:

Jean-Louis Naudin reported Friday that he ran his experimental "Moller/Frolov Atomic Hydrogen Generator" (MAGH) version 2.0 for one hour at an efficiency of 526% -- that's 5.26 times more energy out than he put in.  The day before, using slightly different settings, he reported having achieved an efficiency of 682% for twenty minutes.  On June 2, he reports to have run this generator for two hours at an efficiency of 243%.


Source: http://pesn.com/2005/06/26/9600116_Naudin_MAHG/


Imagine a world where everything is powered by these small generators running on an endless supply of fuel - no gas bills, no electric bills - nothing to tear your hair over :rolleyes: I'm waiting ... breathlessly.


Read the full article and explanation of the process at: http://pesn.com/2005/06/26/9600116_Naudin_MAHG/

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Sounds impressive. First a solar power tower in the Australian outback, creating 2Megawatts of electricity, or 100,000 homes. Now there is this. Who needs atomic fusion. As great as this is, there is one big problem. Corruption and greed. Such a way of producing free energy will not go down well with so many companies and government. A lot of money will be lost because of it, and the governments and electricity suppliers wil be outraged. Therefore, not in the forseable future, we will never actually obtain this technology in our homes.How much electricity does this device actually generate then? Is it enough just to power one home, or can it power a full city?

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Excellent device, repeated idea. Although it is a working unit the idea existed, as quotes "70 years ago", similar ideas to use abundant material, such as Hydrogen or Water, to fuel generators, i.e. The Cold Fusion, were thought up by many scientists. The biggest challenge is how to convert it to closed-loop? Closed-loop is when a generator can detach from initial power to start inertia and keep generating power without the external help. The said device does generate electricity but the initial start comes from plugging in the whole apparatus to the wall socket and getting it to start. Furthermore, the article explains that it has poor efficiency problem. This means, for example, it may take 20W of electricity to produce 5W of self-sustaining power. However, this may be the first right step towards the world depending on fossil fuels.The project I worked on many, many moons ago was derived from pendulum swing concept. My project system had 1 starter motor, which was powered by external source and 2 generators. When the switch was thrown to on position, the external power would start the starter motor to power two generators. And when enough RPM was reached, the starter motor would turn itself off and the 2 generators were feeding electricity from each other. As one generator receives power by the other generator, it has enough juice to turn itself and send power back to the 2nd generator and the cycle would continue back and forth. The only problem was that after 2 hours of closed-loop (self sustaining power) the coefficient of drag (the natural friction developed by motor magnets) became greater than supplied free electricity. So the 2 generators would slow down as time progressed. After 2 hours, there weren't enough juice to run either of them.I hate to say it, but seems like the next phase of world's demanding power supply will come from nuclear power plants. Instead of one huge nuclear power plant, small micro-manageable nuclear power plant will dominate the world's power supply.

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I haven't read the detailed description on that site but I just wanted to say that this goes against pretty much all physics rules out there. How can there be something from nothing? Energy cannot just "appear" out of nowhere without anything being consumed... There must be a catch :rolleyes:

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I haven't read the detailed description on that site but I just wanted to say that this goes against pretty much all physics rules out there. How can there be something from nothing? Energy cannot just "appear" out of nowhere without anything being consumed... There must be a catch :rolleyes:


You're missing the whole point here - energy is not appearing out of thin air. Something's getting consumed pretty much, and that thing happens to be the molecular bond that binds two atoms of Hydrogen together. The bond itself is pure energy, which is released as soon as the bond is broken (almost the same way at atomic fission - but to a much lesser extent. Even for atomic fission, the energy released is from the energy bonds between subatomic particles) ... so in effect, we are actually "consuming" these bonds to release the energy.. the problem is how to tap this released energy and not let it go waste. That's what this whole device and research is about :lol:

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