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Shell Replacements

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I dont know you are familiar with it or not.'shell' is the graphical control interface loaded over the operating system, to allow you to get things done with your computer. Windows 98 users maybe familiar with the shell replacements. I guess its primary jobs are loading your applications and giving you status information and control of those programs.

You can view the history of the shell replacement at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Windows95/NT/Win2K uses the 'Explorer' shell, which uses a Start Menu and desktop-icons for launching applications, while the Taskbar allows you to see and control running applications.

Shell replacement software lets you change the start menu and desktop icons on your computer to change with some customised sets.It is very handy software when you really want to make your windows interface to look like Macintosh and Linux type. Most use variations of the old familiar app-launch controls (menus, graphical desktop icons and tool bars), while adding a veritable army of new desktop feedback controls and integrated utilities. These utilities, called 'Modules', 'Plug-ins' or 'Applets' by the various shells, display information about and even allow you to control everything from system status (cpu and memory load displays, date/time, network interface statistics), to the weather report, to what track is playing in your mp3 player.

Sometimes we get bored with same set of start menu,desktop task bar so shell softwares change them with some other sets.It will bring color to your desktop,also those desktop skinning people love to do this,right!

Well it is very popular myth that shell crashes leads to reinstalling of OS.Unfortunately it is true.Though many shell replacemetn software are crash proof,even if they crash they bring your standard win Explorer shell back.While some times you have to do it on your own.So if you know your system well,Not feared with the explorer crash then shell replacement softwares are for you.

There are many types of shells on the internet.Most famous on is litestep,PureLS,Geoshell etc....You can access PureLS at http://purels.org/.
Or even http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
I personally recommend Aston,Talisman,Litestep.For Linux http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is better choice.
there are so many softwares are there some of them are freeware while some of them are shareware.You can search for more shells on http://www.shellcity.net/
Have fun with Shell replacement...
See Ya..

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