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Pda Cleaning Issues? did windex crawl behind your screen?

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Hey, are you having a problem?

windex or some cleaning agent get behind your screen?

look no further. I will show you how to suck that giant blob out of the screen.


Please read ALL of the instructions carefully before attempting!


Step 1:


make sure the screen is facing up. put the PDA in a cool, dry place overnight. Even if you wake up in the morning and the blob is still there, leave it alone.


Step 2:


Now it's time to break out the vacuum, and the narrow crevis tool. Put it on, and hold the end like a pencil about a half of an inch away from the screen. Make sure that the attachment DOES NOT touch the screen. Flip the switch. If all goes well, the blob should be "vaporized" and look like it is rapidly evaporating.


Step 3:


only do this if you see a stain of any sort

Take some rubbing alchohol and get it under the screen again. Try leading it to the side of the screen, or get a spray bottle and "inject" the liquid in. Once it's in, try to get the alchohol to the stain. Wait overnight again. When you wake up, vacuum the blob out again (see step 2) and it's fixed!


It's not?




Q: the rubbing alchohol evaporated overnight, and now the stain is back!

A: try using something like water, and add a good ammount of rubbing alchohol. Ajust the ratio as necicary, so it doesen't evaporate overnight.


Q: I don't mind the stain. Why am I putting liquids back in?

A: if you don't get the stain out, it will become sticky, and screw around with the digitizer, the touch screen, etc. You want to dissolve the stain, and then suck it out.


Q: I don't have rubbing alchohol. Can't I just use water?

A: well, if the vacuum fails, you can allways dry it out the old school way. If you still are having problems with the screen, then you send it in to repairs.


Q: So, why am I leaving it out overnight?

A: You need to let the liquid spread out so it will go through the little air vents in your screen better, easyer, and with minimum damage.


Q: The vacuum failed. Now what?

A: now you either dry it out under a 75 watt light bulb, or you send it in to get repaired if that doesen't work.


Q: what should I do next time I clean it?

A: get one of those computer sprays, so if something happens you can sue them :P or try just breathing on it and wiping it off with your t-shirt (like you do with glasses).


Q: Why did you write this, Isen't this problem a little rare?

A: well, my sony Clie (PEG UX50) had this problem, and I couldn't find any good tutorials anywhere, so I just combined a few, and tested them on my clie, and they worked.


Q: Can I give this tutorial to my friends, and/or put it on my site?

A: yes, just add a link to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to it, and you can. You don't even have to e-mail me.



Deticated to my clie, who almost lost it's life when I sprayed windex on the screen. Don't worry, you aren't screwed, or dead in the water. you will find a way.

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