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Featured Genre 4: Rap

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Somebody mentions rap, and about 20 comments follow with people saying how much they hate it, and how it isn't music. They claim that is just about money, killing, hoes, etc. I can't really get angry with these people, for the sole reason that the radio is full of that *BLEEP*. Someone will usually come along and say, "The underground has much better stuff." But without actually hearing some good rap, statements like that don't accomplish much. So all I ask is that everyone gives rap an honest listen. If you like it, great, if not, then at least you have an educated opinion on it. To understand rap, you need to know a little about the origin. Rap is part of the hip hop culture, which also includes graffiti and break dancing. It came out of the South Bronx in the late seventies, stemming from funk and disco. It emerged as a form of self expression for the black and hispanic community in New York. Conditions in these neighberhoods were poor, and the way the people expressed this was through rap. Crews started to form, to give members identity, and this is deeply rooted in the hip hop culture. 


// Links to MP3's snipped //

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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Yeah, I love rap, but a bunch of other people out there say that rap sucks. Well, my only argument that I can say to those other people is that all they hear are the stuff on radio and on MTV ("Music" Television). The only rap songs they air are those songs that make people's heads nod up and down despite its content. They air songs such as Eminem's "A-- Like That", The Ying-Yang Twins' "Wait (The Whisper Song)", 50 Cent's "Candyshop", and a bunch of others. Yes, I agree that these songs suck, but this is only a sad portion of what the entire rap genre is about. The other songs, such as songs by 2Pac, BIG, and a bunch of others, are not about rudeness to hos, guns, and violence. They're about everyday problems and stuff like that. So if you really want to listen to good rap songs, I suggest you look at this list: http://www.urbandictionary.com/

kvarnerexpress, I'd appreciate it if you try to refrain your cuss words. :D

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I think the reason people don't like rap is because of the Gangsta part of it. Back in the early 90s this was huge. And all you'd hear was blacks killing people, which led to the negative view of rap... but good looks with most of what you suggested. I doubt any philostines will take the time to listen to it.

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