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Problems Installing A Program Using Tomcat Im asking for some support regarding installation...

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Hi! I'm trying to install, using the free package webhosting, a small software for the management of exchanges between users through the use of complementary currencies. This software is called Cyclos (http://www.cyclos.org/), and it uses TOMCAT apache. That was one of the main reasons I looked forward to host my webpage here in Xisto. The first step in installation instructions is:


Installation Tomcat Webcontainer Now we proceed to install and initialize the Cyclos web archive in the TomCat Web Container. The following steps assume you already have TomCat installed and confirmed to be working on port 8080 of the local machine. - You will need to make sure you have a Tomcat user with sufficient management permissions. To do this you can use the TomCat Administration Tool localhost:8080/admin/ or you can edit the configuration file conf/tomcat-users.xml For example: <user username="admin" password="12345" roles="admin,manager"/> - Make sure Tomcat runs with root (linux) or adminstrator (windows) permissions - The next step loads the Cyclos Web Archive into TomCat. In the Tomcat Manager Tool localhost:8080/manager/html/ scroll down to the section �WAR file to deploy�. Browse to the cyclos.war file and select �Deploy�. After a delay you should see cyclos appear as an installed app in the Applications list.


The problem is that I cannot access tha gate ":8080". It must mean that I don't have enough permissions for it. So how can I install it in Xisto?? Thanks for any help! daniel tygel

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