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LeAnn Rimes My Angel

Ati & Microsoft Their relationship

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With Microsoft relying on ATI's new VPU, ATI has also given up any ownership rights to the graphics chips in XBox 360, which makes Microsoft a lot happier. ATI hopes to match its GameCube returns with the upcoming XBox 360, where each console earns ATI between $2 to $5 US. Chief Executive Dave Orton at a meeting in Taipei outlined where he plans to improve company growth, and one of them is through Microsoft. If ATI is willing to give up ownership rights for the XBox 360, they are hoping Microsoft will work with them again as long as their prices are right; they may even see favorable contracts through Windows CE devices (for high-end GPS units), and Microsoft has a growing movie business coming for them as well. If ATI does everything right, they could be introduces to a number of new industries and larger growth.

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