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Hosting Credits

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ok there are the 2 pacages 10 credits and 30 credits and for the 10 credits you have to have 1 credit for each day. Now for the 30 credit one is it still only 1 credit a day or is it 3?

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No, no, no. Once you get your hosting account, your "hosting credits" are then called "hosting credit days". That means that you lose one hosting credit per day - regardless of what hosting package you have. If you have package 1, you lose exactly 1 hosting credit each day if you do not post for that day. Same thing with package 2. If you do not post for 24 hours, and you have package 2, then you still lose 1 hosting credit for that day.1 hosting credit is lost each day if you do not post for that day.

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In exactly 3 months on inactivity you can expect to lose 90-95 credits (1 per day as snlildude has stated), so if you are not yet hosted and you are leaving soon, I would definitely wait until you returned. If you are not leaving for a while, I would still debate beginning until your trip is over because 90-95 credits would be very, very hard to reach...

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If you leave for 3 months, I'd get get at least 95 hosting credits. There are approximately 90 days in 3 months (30 days in a month * 3 months). However, since your account gets suspended if you have less than 4 hosting credits, 95 would be safest. (95 - 90 = 5).

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I thought your account got suspended if you didn't post for 1 month. Also, if you applied after you got 10 credits and were accepted and then apply for the 30-credit plan at some later stage, do you lose 30 days worth of credit or only 20 (to add up to the original 30)?

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