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Sum Adding things

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I have this tiny problem, that is I have a whole list of vairables, 25 infact, and I'm trying to add them, and store this result in another variable. The problem when I try to call that variable the resulting page justs leaves a blank spot, and the IF array that I have won't change, it just goes for the first choice.

Is this wrong?

$var1+$var2+..........$var24+$var25 = $vartotal;

bearing in mind that there is more in the middle I just didn't feel like typing it!

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like Tyssen said, you're doing it the wrong way. always start with the new variable that you are settingso $vartotal=$var1+$var2but if you are gonna use if arrays you should do:array($vartotal)=$var1+$var2i think :rolleyes:

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Thanks to you both, I don't think I am using an array. Anyhow I have uped your rep. So while we are wiating, how could I take this total and say all the numbers that fall between say 1-10 do this, and all the numbers between 11-20 result in something else?

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Thanks to you both, I don't think I am using an array.  Anyhow I have uped your rep.  So while we are wiating, how could I take this total and say all the numbers that fall between say 1-10 do this, and all the numbers between 11-20 result in something else?

If you're talking about consecutive numbers, you could use a loop.

<?php$j = 0;for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){$j = $j + $i;}echo $j;?>
<?php$j = 0;for ($i=11; $i<=20; $i++){$j = $j + $i;}echo $j;?>

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you're making it harder then it is moldboy, a quiz with radio buttons is easy to setup, if you know how to do it, here it is:


These are the first 2 questions

note: the radio names are setup like this: question 1, answer 1=11

<?php$score="0";?><form action=simpprocess_gui.php method=post>Simpsons Trivia Challenge!<br><input type=text name=challenger value="Name">1. What device does Dr. Hibert use to get the glued on gag pieces from Bart's face? <br><input type=radio name=11>Shotgun<br><input type=radio name=12>Button Applicator<br><input type=radio name=13>Fly Swatter<br><input type=radio name=14>Tetanus Shot<br><br> 2. According to Grandpa, what phrases origins are long and rambling? <br><input type=radio name=21>It Takes Two to Tango<br><input type=radio name=22>Don't have a cow man!<br><input type=radio name=23>Long story short<br><input type=radio name=24>At the end of the day<br>
After that it's easy to add to the score:

note: i could not get the right answer from question 1 (all answers results in 0points out of 25..) so let's say answer 1 was the right answer. for both questions..

for($11){ $score++ }for($21){ $score++ }//... going from $11 to $251<input type=hidden value=$score name=score><input type=submit value='submit' name=submit>

note: this is only part of the page

$total="25";$score=$_GET['score'];if(($score<=0) && ($score<=5)){$title="Ralph Wiggum"; }if(($score>5) && ($score<=10)){$title=".."; }if(($score>10) && ($score<=15)){$title=".."; }if(($score>15) && ($score<=20)){$title=".."; }if(($score>20) && ($score<=25)){$title=".."; }$name=$_POST['challenger'];print "Congratulations  $name, you scored [b]$score[/b] out of [b]$total[/b].<br>";print "This gives you the intelligence of [b]$title[/b]!";

Hope this helps you

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SO I have a few things to say to that. First, why did you start at 11, not 01, for the answers. Also, I apprecieate the help, but I'm just learning, and haven't used the FOR command much, that Idea didn't occour to me.

And when you say:

note: i could not get the right answer from question 1 (all answers results in 0points out of 25..) so let's say answer 1 was the right answer. for both questions..

what exactly are you saying?

Because I can get 25 out of 25, when I do the quiz.

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well i tried all answers on question 1, to see wich answer was right and process it in the script, but either 1 of the answers to question 1 gave me 0points out of 25, are you supposed to do the whole quiz to get points?and why i used 11 instead of 01, as explained in my note, question 1, answer 1=11, but you can use 01 if you want..The script i made for you is just a version that you can learn from (like the for() statement) and it's also something i like to do to learn it to myself, learn through practise is my motto :rolleyes:

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I have made no attempt to require all answers, unless the way I wrote something made that statement. I think it may be a bug as today I experienced a result of 23 out of 25, and there were three wrong answers.

learn through practise

I could not aggree more, I have tried learning Java, and Javascipt, from a book, the problem is, what I know I can't do because there is script preperation, and stuff. You need to lean infron of a computer, like learn to drive from a book, can't be done well, you gotta hit some things, that way you have experience :rolleyes:

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