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Hi everyone!


I'd like to introduce myself. Don't let my name fool you. :rolleyes: I'm new here, but have been an active member of several other forums in the past since March 18th of 2003 when I was introduced to a gaming clan called obsidiandragon. Since then, I have taken part in discussions at several other chat forums that mainly supported phpBB, one Invision Power Board, and one Web Wiz forum.


Forums I've been on:

http://obsidiandragon.net/smf/ (not active)

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (not active)

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (active)

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (no longer exists)

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (active)

https://www.phpbb.com/ (active)

http://www.phpbb-host.com/ (active)

http://www.teenhangout.phpbb-host.com/ (active)

http://www.focusonthefamily.com/ (somewhat active)

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (not active)

http://free.phpbb-host.com/freelancers/ (my old forums) :lol:


Favorite Links:









I enjoy meeting new faces online, and taking part in sharing new things. Some of my interests include geology, biking, jogging, computers (mainly hardware), forums and HTML (I'm a newbie), online gaming, and life. I plan to be active here, and hope to get to know more of you.


P.S. I found out about Xisto from http://www.free-webhosts.com/


~ dg ~

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Thank you both for the warm welcome. :lol: There's only one game I still play online. Maybe someone here has heard of it, Jedi Outcast. It's a little addictive, so I try to stay away from playing other online games. hehe :rolleyes: It seems like a cool community so far. If anyone here has any questions or problems using using phpBB, or wishes to update their forums, I'd be glad to help anyone out. As for HTML, like I said, I'm a newbie to it, but it's fun to experiment with. I'd show you all my old website, but it was deleted by my old provider. :lol: ttyal

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Welcome Dark God, you'll like it here. Hey btw i used to play Jedi Outcast too under the name of EstE so look out for me:) btw, whats your

in-game name?




I've never seen "EstE" before when playing. My main online name is DarkGod (hehe). It's a black 'Dark', and red 'God'. I also wear a flag at the end. Other names I sometimes go by are PlayfulLamer, YellowSnow, and Padawan (obviously :rolleyes:). The servers I play on are oBs, and the server above it. It starts with "!!!F", but I forget the rest. Usually full force, ffa since I'm a serious player when it comes to winning, especially in duels. :lol: I try to only play on weekends, otherwise I'd end up playing every day! lol I'll be sure to look for you if you're ever on. :lol:

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