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An Honest Way To Make A Living In The Computer World Do you know?

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Hello everyone,I have been cracking my brain to know the best, possible way to make a living out of the computer world without having anyone looking up my *bottom*.Ok, I am a final yr student of a ui here in my country, Nigeria and I have been striving to make an honest living out of computer. Evidence is in the websites I have been designing which hasnt yielded much yet.I know that many people down here are into internet fraudry and duping people but I dont like that and I want t make an honest living.Please help me out with your ideas.Awaiting your replies.

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you make me realized my memories...I am the same kind of person, I have been using internet since I was year 11, roughly 5 years experience until now. I have met tons of people from online gaming and chat program such as MSN,ICQ,skype and so on. some people just use interest to kill time, they are just looking for something to chat with until they got something to do, for those people they will not remember what they said or what they promised, more foolish and annoy thing is they tell you all the conversation you had was something they made up to kill time, and you do not need to be serious in internet. to be honest, I have met at least 500 people over the internet, so far I only have a couple of 'freinds' that I am keep contact and really chat with, the rest just like forgot me or something...Yes, you may see there are some real and romantic, but they are really rare in nowadays. In my opinion, that is really hard to be honest in internet. The honest you are, the more you lose in the end of the day.

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In my opinion, that is really hard to be honest in internet. The honest you are, the more you lose in the end of the day.


Oh, really? In order to earn something on the internet, it is not enough to be honest, you have to work with the right (honest) people! OpaQue is a nice example:


After I posted a small post that had a quite large quote, I gained 5 hosting credits! I knew that there was something wrong and I alerted the admins immediately (in other words, I was being honest):


Hi there! I would like to report my own topic! I have posted this topic, wrote a short message and quoted the e-mail I received, but I gained 5 (five) hosting credits for that!!! (from 15,6 to 20,04)


Something must be wrong with your hosting credits system!




And OpaQue replied with this:


I respect your honesty. And consider those credits as a bonus. :-)


I have fixed it. Thank you very much :-)


So... You don't have to be a cheater or lie to people, you just have to make sure that you know who you are working with!

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Oh, really? In order to earn something on the internet, it is not enough to be honest, you have to work with the right (honest) people! OpaQue is a nice example:


After I posted a small post that had a quite large quote, I gained 5 hosting credits! I knew that there was something wrong and I alerted the admins immediately (in other words, I was being honest):

So... You don't have to be a cheater or lie to people, you just have to make sure that you know who you are working with!


I agree with BureX being honest with others and off course to our self sometimes give unexpected rewards. In my opinion, being honest to everything you do gives a lot of credits. Peace of mind, hapiness and a clean conscience. You dont have to lie or do un-necessary things just because you have a bad experience of being honest to others, may be there's a reason, off course everything has its own reason, you never know what is it but be patient it will come.


I used internet and surf the web sometime to spend my extra time. I also looking for something to earn, but not really like that, what I am looking for is some enjoyment, gather ideas and share my own too. combinations of these and earning is much more interested but not look after the money or some practical things. Hapiness and peace of mind cannot be found on the market, it should be here in our heart, our mind and our soul. Remember always treasure those which cannot be found on earth.

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So... You don't have to be a cheater or lie to people, you just have to make sure that you know who you are working with!


that why i said " in my opinion."

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Yea, i know that honesty is the word. I also know that I have so many of my friends who would love me to pertake in thier online fraudry and I have always desisted fdrom doing anything such.


As you can see, I am really running short of ideas and I am not liking it at all. One good reason why this is happening to me because, as a web designer/graphics designer, I am not getting enough clients down here in my country and one other bad thing there is that in my country, our government arent doing anything to help the youths. They are more interested in filling their pockets and that sort of thing and people have to device some means or the other to survive.


Take for instance, i have lost my dad and my mom is just an ordinary secondary school teacher (high school teacher) and I am not the only one in the university. we are four in the university and all have to go to school. so you can see that one has to look for an honest means of making money and I dont want to engage in any bad act.


I am still waiting for more opinions and ideas from people.


Pls help.

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So... what kind of degree are you getting? There's quite a difference in what you can do between having a Bachelor's degree in liberal arts and a Master's in Computer Science (just to name something).If you have a master's you might try getting a Ph.D. position in a university abroad, since you don't seem to be too happy about Nigeria. Actually, no matter what kind of degree you have you might try moving to some other country. I have no idea how hard it is, but it might be an option.

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