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Proftpd Ftp Server In Linux how to configure it?

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Hi,I just installed the ftp server proftpd in my linux machine. I executed it and i can login it with my user. It redirects me to my /home/myuser. Until here everything ok.My idea was configuring a ftp server where a predifined user could access only a folder's range with read only permisions and also a folder with write permisions but not read permisions. I am not sure about the steps to follow to do this. So i thought that maybe someone in trap is using proftpd and could help me. So the steps will be:- Create a user with the command useradd/passwd- Modify the file /etc/proftpd.conf to achive the desired configuration.I have been loking to the file /etc/proftpd.conf but i am not sure how can i achieve this. Hopefully someone can help me a little bit. Thanks in advanced.

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