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Billboards In Space?

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How long though would it take to see billboards in space. Yes probably in 100-200 years people can take vacations in space probably but just how long could this be?


And for advertising on billboards will they something to keep them still or would they orbit around earth?


I'm pretty sure theres no possible way for them to be stationary, and even if there was it wouldn't matter because the earth is rotating so they would have to match that speed, which is crazy. Plus, they would want to reach the biggest audience possible so it would probably have to be moving all the time to achieve that goal anyway.


As for it having to be 500 square miles, you can see the space shuttle with binoculars. My brother does it all the time. The space shuttle is definitely not even a mile long. So I don't really think it would have to be THAT big. Just big enough so that you can see it with the naked eye. And if they just want it to be a logo, like the pepsi logo or something... it wouldn't need to be enormous.


I also remember reading a similiar article that was saying a type of advertisement in space would use projectors or something like that. So it wouldn't have to be a massive object, just a projector. I'm not sure what exactly it would be projecting on haha. I can't remember the source though. Maybe I'm just making it up...

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I, for one, am very sick of this ad-saturated culture of ours. If only we could transport ourselves back to the 1880's when life was simple, and every wore long dresses and rode in horse buggies!


Anyway, I hope nobody decides to actually build a billboard in space; we already have too many clutering our highways. And, really, we have to many ads cluttering everything! The weirdest place for an ad I've seen so far: a sticker on a banana. It was the same size and shape of the typical Chiquita sticker, only it said, "Go see the Garfield movie!"


Seeing that made the thought of billboards in space a little less remote. :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure theres no possible way for them to be stationary, and even if there was it wouldn't matter because the earth is rotating so they would have to match that speed, which is crazy.


actually there are satelites in space doing this very thing right now so I'm pretty sure that is not much of an obstacle :rolleyes:

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I think this is a crazy idea. I am a comsumer and i don't want to look at the sky most of the time to find out what products are available at the atores. hehehe Looking up at those big billboards is already pretty tiring for me, what more for those advertisements on the sky.The first problem to solve on this kind ob "billboards" is how to stop the lights/projector from beaming all the way to the space. I guess most people, find products on the internet nowadays, and they are busy doing everything on internet at night time. so there would probably less market for those advertisments. people living on Cities woul not see those billboards as well because they would be obstructed by hihg rise buildings, and yes, air pollution.

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This would obviously be a very expensive form of advertising, and you wouldn't be able to see it on a cloudy day...Only the richest companies would be able to afford it, and of course, if the advertising works they would gain a monopoly so all small businesses who couldn't advertise like this would go bust. :rolleyes:

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Would it really be worth it for the companies? If I was CEO of Coka Cola, or McDonalds, I would rather spend the money it would take to put one billboard in space on one thousand billboards on the road. We've already made a mess of our planet, and now its going to reach out to space too. I'm glad that its the US government that is the first to oppose advertising in space, because they have a lot of influence in the grand scheme of things.

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I promise you I felt a bit of nausea as I read that post. I could never ever imagine anything worse advertising or American wise. Sorry to say that but you have to admit that it does have United States of America written all over it- Looking up and seeing a pepsi logo. Imagine how terrible that would be, looking up and saying "well that's where the Southern Cross used to be but we can only see it from between four am and six am due to that large Coca Cola sign. It would be absolutely awful and should definately be illegal for a number of reasons. One of my reasons would be that the fact that it blatently invades the privacy of the average human being. If you want to just relax you should not be allowed to be bombarded by advertising, something that is already done to us with the irritating phone calls wanting you to get a subscription to some magazine that already has a ridiculous circulation. But with that at least you could argue that you have the option of not purchasing or using a phone, as it is a commercial service and upon the purchase and service use of the phone you receive what is seems to be a compulsory "benefit"- telephone advertising. But when it comes to looking at the sky we have absolutely no option, it's there, whether we like it or not. No matter where we go, or what we do, if we're outside(or even in a building) and look up, or out the window and seeing a pepsi advertisment is a blatent invasion of privacy. In a world where we have already, and continue, to screw up so much can't we at least leave some things pure- because at the rate we're going, it seems pretty much as if sooner or later advertising company's will be teaching birds jingles- it sounds pretty overboard and extreme, but I would never have guessed that people were even contemplating overrunning the sky and I personally don't think it will be allowed to happen, at least I hope!

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