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Ibux Just Launched A New Kind of Program

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As many of you are aware, there is a new pay to search site around. It is called






You can find it HERE



A little information about iBux if you don't already know about it:



At iBux.net, you get a little cash in return for some of your valuable time. You will reap earnings for each paid search you complete through my site. Whenever someone who you refer makes a paid search,you will also earn a bonus. In addition to searching, various offers will be available from time to time, which will bring you some additional earnings should you choose to complete them. All monetary figures on this website are calculated in United States Dollars.

Well, you say other pay to search programs turn out to be a scam, why on earth should I do this one? Well, that's simple. In order to receive credit for your paid searched, they must be done at least 5 minutes apart from each other. This will make sure that the system is not being abused. This service is better than any other program out there because you will USE this site to do your ACTUAL searching, unlike other sites where you just attempt to search as quickly as possible.


iBux is a very unique service when it comes to the way it approaches the pay-to-search industry. As you are most likely aware of, there are a number of paid surfing programs out on the web today, including several which specifically pay the user just like how iBux.net does.


However, there are several flaws in those sites such as the fact that they may not earn enough from advertisers to pay for their expenses to the users. That means that those sites may not pay their users.


So, HOW IS iBux.net different?

The way iBux has been set up is much more secure than other programs. At iBux, the user collects their earnings at a reasonable rate, so that searching doesn't waste your time, but at the same time, isn't set up to seem "too good to be true." Unlike other sites, iBux.net will be around for a LONG time.


So if you think you would like to try it out, follow the link over to iBux.net.





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Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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[...]This service is better than any other program out there because you will USE this site to do your ACTUAL searching, unlike other sites where you just attempt to search as quickly as possible.

No offense, but I just used this service to search Dictionary.com for a word, and it returned my results in a frame that was only about 150 pixels high... I couldn't see barely anything in the dictionary.com frame.. And the stuff in the top frame isn't even useful.. What's worse, is that I couldn't even resize the bottom frame to get a better look at it..

I wouldn't use this site to do my Actual Searching, considering you can barely view the results...

In my opinion, make the top frame *Alot* smaller, and give the user the option to resize/remove the top frame from view..

Just my 2 cents!

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This sounds pretty promising and realistic, however, they seriously need more places in order for searching if they want it to be an actual search engine. I will probably use it if I ever sign up for a paypal account as I am not 18 yet. However, the problem is you don't really know whether you are earning 2 cents per search or 0.000000000001 cents per search because of teh Ibux system they use. But, the thing is that this system is one of the only things that would make this believeable and real, so I would say give it a try.

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